“Learn To Live A New Life In Christ Jesus!”
In a world where evil seems to have a stranglehold on humanity it is common to hear, “He that is in me is powerful than he who is in the world.” Quite true enough; but this means when we know that he is more than the master of evil who is in the world we must free ourselves of evil.
Even advocates of nonviolence know that when you adopt violent means to fight your violent adversary you have accepted to fight the enemy on his own terms. Through baptism we have become new creations by being baptised into the death of Christ. Through his resurrection we were also raised from the dead so that we now have a new life.
Our lives must take on newness of being. Believers have a mandate to change the world and rid the world of sin and evil. This is possible if we do not select and condemn what is sin and evil to us while we continue in those that we have become so accustomed and comfortable in! “…If we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him”(Rom.6:3-8). This is possible if we detest and abhor sin and evil in ourselves as individuals! In as much as we are saved by grace and not by works, let us eschew sin and not to continue in sin because grace abounds!
Grace may be inelastic, but can slide out of the hand of the person handling it! Strive to live a new life in Christ!
Prayer: Lord strengthen me to live a new life in you and not to abuse the grace of God through your death and resurrection. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Guide Against Complacency!”
“Guide Against Complacency!”(I Cor.10:12-13).“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is