“Let Us Draw Near To God!”


“Let Us Draw Near To God!”(Heb.10:19-25)[04/12/2024].
When Jesus gave up his spirit on the cross,“At that moment, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom…”(Mt.27:50-51). The curtain separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place(Holy of Holies), where the high priest entered once annually to make atonement for the peoples’ sins.
Today’s text says we should “have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of the new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God,” we should follow these five exhortations:

  1. “Let us draw near to God.”
  2. Let us hold unswervevingly to the hope we profess.
  3. Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
  4. Let us not give up meeting together.
  5. And let us encourage one another.
    Also, there are four conditions for drawing near to God:
  6. A sincere heart – that is undivided allegiance in our inner beings.
  7. Full assurance of faith, meaning faith that does not at any time hesitate in trusting God.
  8. There should be total freedom from a sense of guilt. This is freedom based on the sacrifice that Christ made once for all on the cross.
  9. Lastly, we should be washed in heart and spirit through baptism, but especially by the sacrificial blood of Christ.
    This is especially so as we “see the Day approaching.” There is no benefit for being saved alone. We are stronger together! Let us hold each other’s hands so we can be reconciled to God together.
    Prayer: Holy Spirit, guide our steps as we draw near to God. Amen!
    Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
    Rev Babila Fochang.


“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”

“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”(Lk.17:7-10).“Entitlement is “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.”This is what someone said of entitlement: “The entitlement

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