“Living As A Family!”(Ex.22:21-27).
Our common identity on this post is that we have a common interest – the longing for God’s word. The psalmist says, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God “(Ps.42:1-2). This is the common denominator that bonds us together; the reason why you read Morning Meditation. If this is not your reason for reading, it means you are a “monitoring spirit.”
We are a family and family members stand by each other. Among us are the poor, widows, orphans and aliens. And among us are the opposites of the above.
I love the poem, “All things bright and beautiful.” But the third stanza which is believed to have been a later addition does not seem to add up.
“The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
God made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.”
Those who run “Empire organizations” know that they feed fat on the sweat of the lowly workers.
Perhaps this is the reason why companies engage in “Corporate Social Responsibility.”
While God has concern for the widow and the orphan, there is no doubt that there are widows and orphans who should by right be the ones to help others.
The social stratification of high, middle and low classes and to say that “God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate” is an aberration and it’s like an insult to God!
God cares for everyone. The poor around you is the very reason for your better placement in society, so that you should do the needful.
The very existence of these expectations from God reveals that they were directed to those of high estates.
“Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him…Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan…”, because if they cry and God hears, he will be angry with you. Do not lend money to the needy with interest. Do not take his cloak as a pledge for a loan, but if you take it, make sure you give it back at sunset – even if the loan has not been repaid.
Truth is that if a person has only his cloak to give as a pledge, then he is very poor and needs gratis assistance. The cloak was used as blanket, so without his cloak the person may catch cold in the night, become sick and die.
God hears the prayers of the destitute because he is compassionate.
My friend, God heard your prayer and made you wealthy so that you become the channel through which God sends his blessings to the others.
The more those ones say to you, “God bless you,” you become blessed indeed.
Yes friend, Act love today by doing something to that person(s) you know needs some help.
Prayer of the day and week: LORD, inspire me to be of help to the widow, orphan, alien and the needy who come my way this day. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week!
Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Here Am I. Send me!”
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today