“Lord Have Mercy On Us!”(Mt.9:27-31).
Yesterday we reflected on the story of how Jesus gave sight to a man by spitting in the man’s eyes and placing his hand on the eyes. This man was brought by some people who begged Jesus to touch the man. There was nothing about the faith of the man or the people who brought him.
Today we are having a different scenario still in connection to healing blindness. Two blind men followed Jesus, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”
These men followed Jesus indoors and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes Lord, ” was their reply. Jesus touched their eyes and said, ‘According to your faith will it be done to you’, and their sight was restored.”
These men simply asked Jesus to have mercy on them. They didn’t ask anything further. They were confident that Jesus could have mercy on them. If mercy is all they wanted, then mercy was accompanied by recovery of sight. The Lord Jesus Christ is able to do what we ask from him with confidence and he does even more.
I remember that back in the days at ACI, Akropong, Ghana there used to be a mini test to qualify students to move to the next level in the Master’s program. It was called integrated examination. Each student had a single question to answer within two days and present the answer to the panel of teachers in a kind of mini-defense. Each candidate picked the question through balloting. Though the questions were different, it was expected that each answer should reflect how much the student understood how integreted all the learned courses were.
Such is how it is with our lives. Life’s pilgrimage journey is kind of uniquely idiosyncratic. That is why in the examination of life whoever copies another person’s answer has already failed.
In every area of life we must learn to run in our respective lanes.
You see dear friend, we may be suffering from the same kind of sickness, we may consult the same specialist, but his prescriptions to us may not be the same. Even when we have the same prescriptions from the same specialist our response to the treatment depends on our immune systems.
One thing we find in common in both stories is that the Lord Jesus Christ hates publicity after healing. Jesus warned these guys sternly “See that no one knows about this.” “But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region.”
They may have ran their mouths, but that was contrary to what the Lord wanted.
Dear friend, come the Lord Jesus Christ in your own way and he will attend to you in your platform as he deems necessary.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and treat us according to your decision. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“A Fast Acceptable To The LORD!”
“A Fast Acceptable To The LORD!”(Is.58:1-9a).“God, where are you?” is a question we have heard and read so much concerning gruesome killings amidst kidnappings for