“Lord, I Am Clay In Your Hands, Mould Me Into The Vessel You Want!”
While seeking clarity of understanding for our lives we raise more questions than answers. This is especially true when we think that we are prayerful and faithful enough but things seems not to work out the way we expected. When this happens we tend to question God and even doubt his omnipotence and omniscience!
It happened to Job. At the point when Job felt that the comfort his friends were giving him was adding more pain to his injuries, he tried to vindicate himself on his claim to self-righteousness!
God answered him in a whirlwind and said, “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?”(38:1-11). God went ahead to raise a barrage of questions about nature, none of which neither Job nor the wisest and most intelligent of our time can answer. There is a limit to human knowledge and wisdom.
The things of God we must not understand; we walk by faith and not by sight. God is forever faithful to those he loves and has called according to his purpose. Trials and temptations are not indicators of God’s lack of concern; they are simply speedbrakes to slow us so that we may avert dissaster ahead.
Job had to acknowledge, “…I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know”(42:3).
Bottom line my friend is that no matter how bleak the situation may be, do not question or doubt God! You are clay in the potter’s hands! You cannot choose what you want to be moulded into.
Whatever your cares and worries, commit them to the Lord in prayer!
Prayer: Lord, I am just clay in your hands, give me the shape you want. Holy Spirit give me a heart not to question or doubt God. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”(Gen.45:1-15).Joseph was hated by his brothers because he was the favourite of their father. Besides, his kind of dreams, which