“Lord Jesus Christ Draw Me Closer To You!”


“Lord Jesus Christ Draw Me Closer To You!”
It was the feast of Passover. Among those who were there for worship were some Greeks. These were the “God fearers ” who were interested in Judaism.
When the message was conveyed to Jesus that those Greeks wanted to see him, he said among other things, “if anyone must serve me he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honour him.”
Let us assume an anthropocentric reading of the text that focuses on its social context. Firstly, the Greeks wanted to see Jesus, probably because they had believed in him and so wanted to see him so as to be with (follow) him. They went to Philip expressing the need to see Jesus. Philip went and told Andrew, then both of them went and told Jesus.
Questions to ponder: How far was Andrew away from Jesus? How much further away was Philip from Jesus? Why would Philip not just go straight to Jesus and deliver the message?
We can only surmise that their distances away from Jesus is like a mother who stays at home with the baby. She’s outside the house doing some home chores while the baby is in a cot sleeping in the room. The mother is home with the baby, yet a bit away from the baby.
That may explain why Jesus told them, “If anyone serves me, he must follow me…” so as to always be close to the master.
Following Jesus entails the sacrifice of self-denial! It is like a planted seed which rots in the soil, germinates to eventually produce crops(Jn. 12:20-26).
The proximity of your presence to Christ in the world context determines the reward that awaits you in eternity! Even then the reward would be evaluated as “no pain, no gain!”
Stay close to Jesus in the “here and now” so as to receive a honourable reward from the Father in the hereafter!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ draw me closer to you, so that where you are, I too may be also. Amen!
Wish you a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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