“Lord Jesus Christ, In Your Heavenly Kingdom Intercede For Me!”
The Jews as a chosen nation of God lived in a theocracy; that is a government where God is the ruler with a prophet or prophets as his go-between. Over time, they were influenced by the kingly rule of nations around them. During the time of Samuel the prophet, his children were not a good example to emulate. So in his last days the people came to him and said, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have”(I Sam. 8:1ff).
Even though Samuel resisted their demands, God finally asked him to concede to the demands. Israel thus became a monarchy.
We can understand better the reason why Jesus answered Pilate the way he did when Pilate asked him whether he was the king of the Jews! A king presupposes a kingdom, which means for Jesus to be the king of the Jews there must be a Jewish kingdom; but there was none in Jesus’ time.
Jesus answered Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world…my kingdom is from another place”(Jn.18:33-36).
In other words, Jesus was pointing back to the days of theocracy where God ruled from heaven through his prophets here on earth.
A king can only rule in his kingdom. Jesus’ kingdom is in heaven, so he had to ascend into heaven where he is not only king of the heavenly realm, but is also a great High priest and Intercessor! He ascended so that he can intercede for you and I!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ remember me in your heavenly kingdom and intercede for me through the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”(Gen.45:1-15).Joseph was hated by his brothers because he was the favourite of their father. Besides, his kind of dreams, which