“Lord Jesus Christ, Teach Me To Be Gentle And Humble Of Heart…!”
To know the extent to which people are weighed down by burdens of sorts just watch them sing, “Papa, put me down. Papa a dong tire; a dong carry some heavy cargo, Papa God O put me down.”
This is not just about perception. Human existence is characterised by ups and downs. One way or the other each person at one point in time is burdened by something or the other. It is neither about being rich, nor about having a heart of contentment. One time or the other there is a burden of some kind that needs to be lifted off our hearts.
There is somebody who promises to make your burden lighter and to take away all your weariness. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
The problem that still trouble us is when we limit ourselves to the call of Jesus above. Jesus is not calling us to a burden-free life which is what most of us are running after these days.
Jesus goes further, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
When you bring your burden to Jesus, be ready to learn from him to be gentle and humble of heart. Gentleness and humility must be contained in the heart before it can reflect outwardly. When you are thus gentle and humble of heart, you realise that no matter how cumbersome your burden is, once you are in Christ your load of cares and worries becomes easy and light.
Jesus is able to make your load lighter because his Father has committed all things to him (Jn.11:25-30).
One thing to remember: Jesus has not promised that he is taking away your burden. He says you should take his own and learn from him, for his burden is easy and light!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ teach me to be gentle and humble of heart like you. Make my yoke easy and my burden light. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”
“Sent By God To Save Lives!”(Gen.45:1-15).Joseph was hated by his brothers because he was the favourite of their father. Besides, his kind of dreams, which