“Lord, Lighten My Burden!”


“Lord, Lighten My Burden!”
Two people were in competitive business on opposite sides of the street. One day an angel of the Lord visited one of them and said, “I have been sent to bless you with whatever you ask for on the condition that whatever is given to you would be given to your rival doublefold.” The man thought for awhile, smiled and told the angel, “make me blind on one eye.”
Most times we think that the load which God has placed on us are too heavy to bear. However, it may not necessarily be true. Division of labour encourages shared responsibility! The load is often too heavy because we think that no ther person can do it any better.
Moses felt this kind of heavy burden and complained to God, “…I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me. If this is how you are to treat me, put me to death right now… and do not let me face my own ruin.”
Well, the size of food the elephant eats determines the size of its defication!” The burden is always commensurate to the ability (Spirit) given to us. We may not want to enjoy an abundance of blessings with less pain and effort!
God told Moses, “Bring me seventy of Israel’s elders who are to you as leaders…and I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them…” And this is exactly what God did(Num.11:11-17&24-25).
Thank God that through Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit falls on everybody who deserves it! That is why Jesus says whoever is weary and heavy laden should come to him for deserved rest and a lighter burden. Shared responsibilities makes our burdens lighter when the excess Spirit is also taken from us and given to others! All your burdens are lifted on Calvary; pray for the Holy Spirit to strengthen you in every way so that your burden is lifted. Do not ask to be made blind on one eye because that would blind your rival on both eyes!
Prayer: Father make my burden lighter by filling others with the Holy Spirit as well so that they can share my burdens. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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