“Lord, Make Me A Wise Builder!”
At least one third of the world’s population is Christian. In Cameroon there are three broad religious groupings namely Christianity, Islam and Traditional religions. Of these three groups two thirds of the population is Christian followed by Islam. Rev Fr Tata Mbuy has rightly pointed out that Traditional religion is “anonymous christianity.” As such it may be that there are more traditional religionists using Christianity as “shock absorbers” to accommodate to a hostile guest – Christianity and Islam – who does everything to drive the welcoming host away from home.
For more than a century of Christian presence in the continent, what have the people heard from the teachings of scriptures?
Leadership within the continent is more Christian than otherwise, but the practice of the leaders is far removed from the tenets of Christianity; talk less of the masses! The outcome is wars here and there, corruption, embezzlement etc!
Jesus reminds us that the wiseman is the one who hears his words and puts them into practice by doing. True discipleship is not in hearing alone; it is in complementing hearing with doing!
Doing what is heard is like building your house on the rock. The rains will come down, the streams will rise, and the winds will beat against the house, yet it will not fall. But the reverse is true for the one who hears and doesn’t put it into practice (Mtt.7:24-27).
My friend, wisdom through the words of Christ is not by speech as in saying “Lord, Lord…”(Mtt.7:21f) and it is not by hearing. It is by doing what is heard! Therefore, be a wise builder by doing what is heard! Faith is made concrete in doing what is heard!
Prayer: Holy Spirit lead me to gain wisdom by doing what I’ve heard from the teachings of scriptures. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Where God’s Spirit Sends You, His Angels Will Attend To You!”
“Where God’s Spirit Sends You, Angels Will Attend To You!”(Mk.1:12-13).“At once, the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness