“May The Righteous Triumph!”


“May The Righteous Triumph!”(Prv. 28:12-14).
“When t he righteous Triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding. No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy…”
It’s close to a month now as I attended the BCA-USA 2024 Anual Convention at Norman, Oklahoma City. During the days of the convention the population of Bali Nyonga people in America alone could tell the story of African migration. Interestingly, among the mammoth crowd, there were hundreds of those I know whom I expected to see, but who did not attend the convention.
The Bali community in the diaspora is a microcosm of Cameroonians who are in search of greener pastures. The search for greener pastures is the umbrella word for this migration, but this is not the obvious.
What motivates this migration is the lack of an enabling environment back home. Political unrest may have come to aggravate this migration, but it is all about poor and bad leadership.
Our politicians and leaders are constantly traveling to these other countries; they see, admire and enjoy what they see. But they do very little back home to change the status quo. WHY?
Added to the erstwhile brain drain that used to be common, has been added the manpower drain – especially the youths. What is the future for homeland?
Should our offspring find delight in the old African conscripts song, “Home again again. When shall I see my home? When shall I see my native land? I will never forget my home!”
Yes, “home, sweet home,” a cherished place to be or to come back to! Dear leaders, dear adults, be reminded of the old adage, “Leave the stage when the applause is high!” Fear God and do what is right in his eyes.
The wise man said, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan”(Prv. 29:2).
May we as leaders at any level and of any category repent of all our evils and work for the welfare of our people with the fear God.
Prayer: LORD lead us by the Holy Spirit to be instruments of your unfailing love through our works. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”

“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”(Lk.17:7-10).“Entitlement is “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.”This is what someone said of entitlement: “The entitlement

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