“A Powerful Prayer For Your Spiritual Armament!”
“A Powerful Prayer For Your Spiritual Armament!”(Eph.1:15-23).Dear friend, let us parody this Ephesian prayer for our spiritual armament:Dear LORD, God glorious Father, God of our
“A Powerful Prayer For Your Spiritual Armament!”(Eph.1:15-23).Dear friend, let us parody this Ephesian prayer for our spiritual armament:Dear LORD, God glorious Father, God of our
“Take Courage! It Is I! Do Not Be Afraid!”(Mt.14:22-33).The disciples enter a boat to cross to the other side. Jesus remains behind. He goes up
“No Other God But Yahweh!”(Dan.6:1-10).When Darius took over the kingdom of Babylon, he appointed 120 satraps(governors) “to rule throughout the kingdom, with three administrators over
Let Your Eyes And Ears Testify To The God Of Salvation!”(Jer.5:20-23).“Cogito ergo sum” – “I think, therefore I exist” was the basis of Descartes’ philosophy.
“Gladness And Joy Will Overtake Us!”(Is.51:9-16).The Babylonian captivity was a bitter and painful period for the children of Zion. By the rivers of Babylon, they
“The LORD’S Eternal Salvation!”(Is.51:4-6).We are still in the season of Christmas in which we continue to celebrate the salvation the LORD has wrought for us
“God Will Remember You!”(Gen.8:1-12).A mungaka idiom says in wonderment, “The baby of a crocodile has drowned!” It is indeed strange for the baby of a
“Miracles As Signs Representing Significance!”(Jn.20:30-31).In this post-ressurection pericope, John writes: :Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not
“Preach To Teach And Heal!”(Mt.4:23-25).“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness
“Lord, If You Are Willing…!”(Mt.8:1-5).There is no fixed pattern to Jesus’ healing ministry. Yesterday, we saw how he healed an official’s son from a distance
“Healing From A Distance!”(Jn.4:43-54).Yesterday, I went to the District hospital for a medical checkup. A Christian came and met me there and asked me whether
“O LORD, Do Not Forsake Us!”(Jer.14:2-9).The OT prophets pointed out four main ways by which God brought calamity upon the people. These were drought, famine,
“Sweet Out Of Bitter!”(Ex.15:22-27).My teacher in Pastoralia often said there are some people who grumble over everything. Give a grumbler an elephant and he will
“A New Name From LORD!”(Is.62:1-5).We are often advised to be prudent in the way we intervene in marital conflicts. When a couple are having some
“We Are The Chosen!”(Lk.6:12-16).Today, we round up the week in which we have been reflecting on “the call.” Today’s text from the gospel, according to
“Follow Me II!(Mt.9:9-13).Today we are reflecting on the call of Matthew in the gospel according to Matthew. Matthew is sitting at the tax collector’s booth.
“Follow Me!”(Mt.4:18-22).We were on an interview panel. A common but tricky question which Rev Dr. I.S. Elangwe constantly asked the candidates was, “Who was the
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today
“The LORD Sees The Heart, Not Outward Appearance!”(I Sam.16:1-13).We continue reflecting on the various ways by which God selects his servants. There is no hard
“Called To Be A Blessing!”(Gen.12:1-3).“The LORD said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will
“Responding To God’s Call!”(Ex.3:1-12).The LORD said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying because of their
“Rooted And Built Up In Christ Alone!”(Col.2:2-10).A heresy that is gaining ground is “misleading theologies.” The All African Conference of Churches(AACC) is making great strides
“Christ, Our Wisdom From God!”(I Cor.26-31).“Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not
Hidden From The Wise, But Revealed To Children!”(Lk.10:21-24).The other day we read about the presence of the Trinity during the baptism of Jesus. Today again,
“The Baptism Of Jesus: What Lesson For Us?”(Mk.1:9-11).Social ladder is defined as the hierarchical structure of a society. Synonyms of social ladder include “chain of
“Prepare Your Soul For The Lord!”(Mk.1:1-8).Mark opens “the beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God” with the fulfilment of an Old
“Jesus Christ, The LORD’S Servant!”(Is.49:1-6).Some Africans often find succour in blaming the colonialist and missionary enterprises for destroying African culture and religion. However, the fact
“Life In The Son Of God!”(1 Jn.5:11-13).We do not want to explain certain details here or now concerning esoteric fraternities and cults.If you are discerning,
“The Truth That Sets Free!”(Jn.8:31-36).A young man, with glee, once told his friends that he was now finally free of the condemnation of sin as
“Teaching From The One Who Sends Us!”(Jn.7:14-18).We cannot underestimate the gains of the missionary movement in Africa. The missionaries sacrificed their lives to ensure that
“Purposely Staying Away Until The Right Time!”(Jn.7:1-13).“After this, Jesus went around Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take
“Available For Refining And Purification!”(Mic.3:1-4).Yesterday may be gone, but the future we often long for is a longing for the past. The future restoration we
“How Beautiful On The Keyboard Is The Finger That Presses The Share Button For The Good News!”(Is.52:7-10).“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of
“God’s Unfailing Promise!”(Jer.31:10-14).This first Sunday of 2025 of the Gregorian calendar let me repeat this story: A Bristish lad wrote on the wall of a
“Seeing The Father In The Son!”(Jn.12:44-50).A young preacher was delivering a sermon. He noticed that an elderly woman who was sitting on a front pew
“Follow Christ the Light And Have The Light Of Life!”(Jn.8:12-20).The lizard, after jumping down from a high place, looked around, and there was nobody to
“Love Truth And Peace!”(Zec.8:18-23).We have already started counting the days of the new year. The body of Christ may have joined in the celebration of
“Happy New Year 2025!”(Is.51:1-3).The other day, when I apologised for using the wrong date, a friend suggested that I write something on “What is in
“Another Year Of Grace!”(Lk.13:6-9)[31/12/2024].“Then he told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit
“Unmerited Love!”(Tit.3:4-7)[30/12/2024].“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because
“Knowing The Voice Of The LORD!”(I Sam.3:1-10)[29/12/2024].A long time ago, someone coined this idom: “The nearer the Church, the farther from God.” We single these
“Freedom Of Choice!”(Jn.1:9-14)[28/12/2024].“Freedom of choice describes an individual’s opportunity and autonomy to perform an action selected from at least two available options, unconstrained by external
“Small Noh Be Sick!”(Mi.5:2-5)[27/12/2024].There is this Chinese balm called “Essential balm.” Due to the smallness of its container, my people have nicknamed it, “Small noh
“Listen And Obey!”(Prv.8:32-36)[26/12/2024].Folk wisdom say “The fly that had no one to advise it followed the corpse into the grave.” Even so, sometimes there are
“Merry Christmas!”(Jn.3:11-21)[25/12/24].Today, we celebrate the birth of the Son of God. We have gone past the polemics of whether he was born on this date
“Grace Through Christ Jesus!”(Rom.5:12-14&18-20)[24/12/2024].I was born in a fondom during the reign of a Fon who had forty wives. We grew up to know that
“Available To Be Used For Service!”(Lk.1:26-38)[23/12/2024].We are again in the season in which we recount the story of the “Immaculate Conception.” It is the story
“Immanuel!”(Zec.2:10-13)[22/12/2024].Coming from one of the renowned paramount fondoms of the Grass field (Graffi) regions of our motherland, I know what respect, humility, decency, and decorum
“Repent Or Perish!”(Lk.13:1-5)[20/12/2024].After an accident where many people die, survivors go to their various churches to offer thanksgiving that God saved them. There is nothing
“Cross-generational Grace!”(I Pt.1:10-12)[20/12/2024].In one meeting of pastors in my current presbytery I told my immediate leaders ( children whom I groomed) that when they talk