“Press On Toward The Goal…!”
“Press On Toward The Goal…!”(Phi.3:12-16).There has been more than a couple of interpretations given to the meme where in a relay race one runner of
“Press On Toward The Goal…!”(Phi.3:12-16).There has been more than a couple of interpretations given to the meme where in a relay race one runner of
“Do Not Wage War As The World Does!”(II Cor.10:1-6).“For though we live in this world, we do not wage war as the world does.The weapons
“Do Not Receive God’s Grace In Vain!”(II Cor.6:1-8a).The West may have helped to underdevelop Africa. But how long can we continue to cry over spilled
“Do Not Be Afraid; Do Not Be Discouraged… Stand Firm… The LORD Will Be With You!”As we advance in age and mature in reflection, we
“Put On The Full Armor Of God!”(Eph.6:10-18).Some thirty years ago, I went to the village for a spell. During my stay and as I moved
“The Bread Of Life III!”(Jn.6:52-59).When things seem not to work for you, those who deride your beliefs may taunt you and ask, “Where is your
“The Bread Of Life II!”(Jn.6:47-51).“I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they
“The Bread Of Life!”(Jn.6:30-36).Jesus had left a crowd on the other side of the lake. When the crowd found him again, they asked how he
“Give Thanks…!”(Jn.6:1-15).The story of Jesus feeding five thousand people with “five small barley loaves and two small fish” is one of the very few stories
“The Fellowship Of Believers!”(Acts 2:43-47).Good people of God, it’s another day in which we should celebrate the Lord’s goodness. On Sunday we were invited to
“The Blood Of The New Covenant!”(Mt.26:26-30).We can enjoy newness in our homes without moving house. All we have to do is rearrange the furniture.The only
“Blessed Are Those Who Are Invited To The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb!”(Rev.19:6-10).My parents never provided much for us, in comparison to what other parents
“Put Off And Put On…!”Col.3:5-11).“One of the principles of Christian growth is called the ‘put off and put on’ principle…” This principle is motivated by
“The Grace Which Reconciles!”(Col.1:21-23).Have you ever accidentally collected a stain on the shirt you were putting on? If you are a meticulous person, in your
Cry For Mercy II!”(Mt.20:29-34).Two blind men were sitting by the roadside and heard that Jesus was going by. They shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have
Cry For Mercy!”(Mt.17:14-21).One of the faith songs we sing and dance our energy out is, “Faith rolls the mountain eh eh, faith rolls the mountain.
“The LORD Is Your Refuge On The Day Of Dissaster!”(Jer.17:12-17).The prophecies of Jeremiah were bitter pills to swallow. No doubt his life was constantly being
“Invitation To A Meeting!”(Is.1:18-20).A colleague friend and brother recently created a Whatsapp group called “MaTali Ba.” (In father’s parlor).Tali Ba is a father’s sitting room.
“The Compassion Of The LORD!”(Jam.5:13-20).What is common in the three lessons and psalm of this Sunday’s lectionary are: the sinner, prayer, God’s forgiveness and restoration,
“Initiating A Covenant Of Love!”(I Sam.18:1-5).Today’s text is about the undying love of Jonathan for David. This love was sealed through a covenant between them;
“The Command To Love!”(I Tim.1:5-9a).Paul left Timothy in Ephesus so that Timothy “may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer…” False doctrines
“Relationship Between Pastor And Associate Pastor!”(Eph.6:21-23).It is no longer proverbial to say “the world is a global village”; the world is indeed a global village.
“A Prayer For The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon!”(Ex.23:1-9).Dear online and offline believers, let us use today’s text to pray for the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon,
“Think Of The Poor…!”(Mk.10:17-27).A man comes to Jesus wanting to know what he has to do to inherit eternal life.He was humble as he knelt
“Becoming A Well-watered Garden!” (Is.58:“…your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always;
“Living As A Family!”(Ex.22:21-27).Our common identity on this post is that we have a common interest – the longing for God’s word. The psalmist says,
“…Away From The Crowd!”(Mk.7:31-37).“…Away from the crowd…” reminds me of “Far from the maddening crowd.” Some things are possible only when we move away from
“Lord Have Mercy On Us!”(Mt.9:27-31).Yesterday we reflected on the story of how Jesus gave sight to a man by spitting in the man’s eyes and
“Zero Publicity!”(Mk.8:22-26).Africans ought to be more at home with the gospel, not because they have been brainwashed, but because there’s a lot of commonalities between
“Go In Peace!”(II Kgs. 6:9-19a).Namaan finally went to Elisha. Elisha sent a messenger to tell him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and
“The Advice Of A slave Girl…!”(II Kgs 5:1-8).Folk wisdom states that in a typical African kingdom no-one knows the queen who shall give birth to
“The Power In The Name!”(Acts 3:1-21).Back in the days, – in missionary times – there was this young pastor from an interior enclaved African village.
“Unworthy But Having Nonpareil Faith!”(Lk.7:1-10).“When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, ‘I tell you,
“Going Home Justified Before God!”(Lk.18:9-14).Why do you pray? What do you pray? Does the advantage you have over others be the reason for your thanksgiving
“Believe The Way Of Righteousness!”(Mt.21:28-32).“I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom before you…”The African sage says “the
“Submit To God!”(Job22:21-30).“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and
“Confess And The LORD Will Take Away Your Sin!”(II Sam.12:1-10&13-15a).Messengers of the gospel are saddled with risky tasks. They are sent to confront directly the
“Christ The Liberator And Impartial Judge!”(Ez.17:22-24).“I will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar… On the mountain heights of Israel I will
“Lord, Open Our Hearts To Respond To The Message!”(Acts16:6-16).The great African theologian and fine scholar of blessed memory, John S. Mbiti wrote that the missionaries
“Know God’s Mystery And Do Not Be Conceited!”(Rom. 11:25-32).In our today’s understanding the word mystery ⁸⁹means “something that is difficult or impossible to understand or
“Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth!”(Jn.2:13-22).Jesus like other Jews went up to Jerusalem in preparation for the Jewish Passover. “In the temple courts he
“Reform Your Ways!”(II Kgs.25:8-12).“…Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, an official of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He set fire on the temple
“The Message At The Gate Of The LORD’S House!”(Jer.7:1-15).In reaction to the message of the previous day, one of our avid online believer, Mr TKA
“Walking Before The LORD In Integrity Of Heart…!”(I Kgs.9:1-9).Upon completion of the temple the LORD appeared to Solomon and said, “I have heard the prayer
“Preaching In The Midst Of Inciters!”(Acts 13:42-52).There is this pwrsistent phenomena happening in the congregations within the African churches. Within the congregations are some Christians
“Imaging The Simple Jesus!”(Lk. 22:35-38).One day with some friends we were discussing about the different kinds of crosses that exist today; all supposedly representing the
“Ancient Words That Guides!”(Prov.28:19-28).It was the heart of the rainy season when the down pour of rains is persistent. The grasshopper went to the ant
“Ancient Words That Save!”(Prov.20:4-17).Our readings since Monday are drawn from the biblical books classified as “Wisdom literature.” These books include specifically Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes;
“Shun Evil; Work Hard!”(Prov.14:19-24).The Bichang dance group of Bali sing, “You conspired against me and came back to tell me.” I see it in the
“Going After What Matters!”(Prov. 8:12-21).In the Old Testament wisdom is a personification of Christ as in: “The LORD brought me forth as the first of