“Rite If Passage Into Newness!”
“Rite Of Passage Into Newness!”(Col. 2:11-12).Back in the days in Bali Nyonga circumcision was an initiation rite into manhood. It was a rite of passage
“Rite Of Passage Into Newness!”(Col. 2:11-12).Back in the days in Bali Nyonga circumcision was an initiation rite into manhood. It was a rite of passage
“No Turning Back!”(Jn. 6:66-69).Jesus had just talked of how one had to eat his flesh and drink his blood to qualify for heaven. Many of
“A Commensurate Reward Is Awaiting You!”(Mt. 19:27-30).St. Patrick is said to have been the one who first introduced Christianity in Ireland, ca 432 AD. Ireland
“Carry Your Cross…!”(Mt. 10:34-39).One of the cherished attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ is “Prince of peace”(Cf Is. 9:6). At his birth the heavenly host
“Those The Father Has Given!”(Lk. 9:57-62).In a lengthy talk with the disciples, Jesus said among others, “You did not choose me, but I chose you
“Responding To A Higher Calling!”(I Kgs 19:19-21).How time flies! We just entered the seventh month of the calendar year 2024. Thank you Father for bringing
“Be Good And Do Good Always!”(I Pt. 3:8-17).“Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and
“Love: A Continuing Debt To Pay!”(Rom.13:8-10).If there is one thing more than others that stresses people a lot, it is being a debtor. Financial institutions
“Wicked BroSis, ‘Don’t Be Afraid…!”(Gen. 50:15-21).Joseph the son of Israel is often hailed as a “from grass to grace” model. Correctly so, but Joseph is
“Be Merciful…!”(Lk. 6:36-42).Since the eye sees not itself except by reflection, we hardly know that the baggage we carry attracts judgment and criticisms from others.We
“Out Of Court Settlement!”(I Cor. 6:1-8).Some months ago we lost an illustrious son in the US. He had just graduated from a military school. Circumstances
“Justified By Faith!”(Rom. 4:6-12).Back in the days when we obtained our FSL certificates, it became the end of formal education for some of us. Our
“The Righteous Advocate!”(I Jn. 2:1-6).A man was arraigned to court for a theft of fifty million francs CFA. He told his defense counsel that he
“May The Righteous Triumph!”(Prv. 28:12-14).“When t he righteous Triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding. No one who
“Repent And Live!”(Ez. 18:1-4&21-24&30-32).Reading from my laboratory result the other day, the doctor asked me if there is a family history of a certain disease.
“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”(Eph. 2:11-16).Some weeks ago, we centered a reflection on the great Ephesian Moment. Talking about the Ephesian moment,
“Pardon On The Cross!”(Lk. 23:39-43).About two months ago I was called to baptised somebody on his sick bed. I had been told that several of
“Salvation Has Come To Your House!”(Lk.19:1-10).It’s another day of grace and we cannot take it for granted. Thank you LORD. Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah,
“You Give Them Something To Eat!”(Mk. 6:32-44).Jesus had just asked the apostles to withdraw from the bustling maddening crowd to a quiet place and have
“The Invite!”(Mt.22:1-14).It is common among overspoilt children to demonstrate arrogance even to their parents. Such was the arrogance of Israel. As the chosen people of
“Return To The LORD!”(Jer.3:14-17).It is another new day and another new week. Father we thank you for another day of grace.The other day I learned
“An Ongoing Response To The Call…!”(Rev.22:13-17).“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End…” Alpha and Omega
“The LORD’S Word Can’t Be Destroyed!”(Jer. 36:27-32).King Jehoiakim burned the words Jeremiah dictated to Baruch. That action wasn’t enough to stop the word of God
“The LORD Will Hide You From Your Enemies!”(Jer. 36:20-26).Dear friend, it’s another day of grace. Let us thank God for his unconditional care and concern.
“The King Must Hear This!”(Jer.36:11-19).When Baruch read the scroll at the LORD’S temple, the officials were sitting in the room of the royal secretary in
“Confined, Yet Undeterred!”(Jer. 36:1-10).At one point prophet Jeremiah was restricted, so he couldn’t go to the house of the LORD. But he did not give
“BE IN THE COUNCIL OF THE LORD BEFORE SPEAKING IN HIS NAME!”(Jer. 23:16-19).“This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Do not listen to what the
“Ministering To The Harrassed And Helpless Flock!”[Mt.9:15-10:7].“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom
“The Great Ephesian Moment: Oneness In Christ Through The Spirit!”(Eph. 2:17-22).“Which country do you come from?” Which tribe do you come from?” Which is your
“Pay More Careful Attention…!”(Heb. 2:1-4).It’s a new day and as always we look up to the mountain from where our help comes from. Our help
“See The Kingdom Fisrt Before Seeking To Enter In!”(Jn. 3:1-8).During Nicodemus’ nocturnal visit to Jesus, he said, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who
“He Is With You Always!”(Mt. 28:16-20).In this week of the Holy Trinity we are reminded that the message of the gospel comes from Jesus Christ
“The Call!”(Is.6:1-5).Prophet Isaiah prophesied in the reign of four kings. It was in the year that Uzziah died that Isaiah was commissioned by God.”Kings die,
“The Holy Trinity At Work!”(Acts2:29-36).“God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are witnesses of the fact. Exalted to the right hand of God,
“When Old Things Become New!”(Acts2:1-13).What happened on a certain passover feast and on a certain Pentecost day as recorded in the New Testament are occasions
“Did You Receive The Holy Spirit When You Believed?”(Acts19:1-7).At Ephesus Paul “found some disciples” who had not received the Holy Spirit. They had “not even
“Depending On The Holy Spirit!”(Lk.12:8-12).“When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you
“When The Counselor Comes…!”(Jn. 15:26-16:4).As we prepare to commemorate Pentecost day, we remind ourselves with the message from John about the Holy Spirit.“When the Counselor
“Written On Your Mind!”(Jer. 31:31-34).The Bible is the rule of faith for us Christians. It is normal that we should constantly make reference to what
“God’s Chosen Servant!”(Is. 44:1-8).What may quickly come to mind when you hear the word “servant” is “a person who performs duties for others, especially a
“The Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal Source!(Eph. 3:14-21).I had just been through with the burial of late Dr. Nwana Njinjoh – whom the family termed,
“Prayer For A Replacement; Especially In The Church!”(Acts.1:12-26).Early beginnings of the Christian Church was soon after the Ascension. The apostles, with the women, including Jesus’
“…Be My Witness…!”(Acts 1:3-11).“They were looking intently up in the sky as he was going. When suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.
“Happy Ascension Day!”(Eph.4:7-10).Today is Ascension Day 2024. On this day we commemorate the going up to heaven of the Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after
“LORD God, Let Your Will Be Done, Amen!”(Jm. 5:17-18).Talking about “the prayer of faith,” James says if any of us is in trouble he should
“Morning Prayer!”(Mk.1:35-39).“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he
“Pray And Intercede For Everyone!”(I Tim. 2:1-6a).“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for
“Make Yourself Worthy To Sing The Song Of Moses And Of The Lamb!”(Rev.15:2-4).The psalmist says the person who can ascend the hill of the LORD
“Preparing For The Heavenly Praise!”(Rev. 4:1-11).In as much as almost everyone in Africa can sing, parents were never happy if their child engaged in music.
“Praise God For The Good Done To Others!”(Mt.21:14-17).Praise is an expression of joy; welling up from heart and soul. Wicked or angry or envious hearts