“Submit To God!”
“Submit To God!”(Job22:21-30).“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and
“Submit To God!”(Job22:21-30).“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and
“Confess And The LORD Will Take Away Your Sin!”(II Sam.12:1-10&13-15a).Messengers of the gospel are saddled with risky tasks. They are sent to confront directly the
“Christ The Liberator And Impartial Judge!”(Ez.17:22-24).“I will take a shoot from the very top of a cedar… On the mountain heights of Israel I will
“Lord, Open Our Hearts To Respond To The Message!”(Acts16:6-16).The great African theologian and fine scholar of blessed memory, John S. Mbiti wrote that the missionaries
“Know God’s Mystery And Do Not Be Conceited!”(Rom. 11:25-32).In our today’s understanding the word mystery ⁸⁹means “something that is difficult or impossible to understand or
“Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth!”(Jn.2:13-22).Jesus like other Jews went up to Jerusalem in preparation for the Jewish Passover. “In the temple courts he
“Reform Your Ways!”(II Kgs.25:8-12).“…Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, an official of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem. He set fire on the temple
“The Message At The Gate Of The LORD’S House!”(Jer.7:1-15).In reaction to the message of the previous day, one of our avid online believer, Mr TKA
“Walking Before The LORD In Integrity Of Heart…!”(I Kgs.9:1-9).Upon completion of the temple the LORD appeared to Solomon and said, “I have heard the prayer
“Preaching In The Midst Of Inciters!”(Acts 13:42-52).There is this pwrsistent phenomena happening in the congregations within the African churches. Within the congregations are some Christians
“Imaging The Simple Jesus!”(Lk. 22:35-38).One day with some friends we were discussing about the different kinds of crosses that exist today; all supposedly representing the
“Ancient Words That Guides!”(Prov.28:19-28).It was the heart of the rainy season when the down pour of rains is persistent. The grasshopper went to the ant
“Ancient Words That Save!”(Prov.20:4-17).Our readings since Monday are drawn from the biblical books classified as “Wisdom literature.” These books include specifically Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes;
“Shun Evil; Work Hard!”(Prov.14:19-24).The Bichang dance group of Bali sing, “You conspired against me and came back to tell me.” I see it in the
“Going After What Matters!”(Prov. 8:12-21).In the Old Testament wisdom is a personification of Christ as in: “The LORD brought me forth as the first of
“Pursuing Righteousness!”(I Tim.6:6-12).“But godliness with contentment is great gain…”When we talk of contentment, we should juxtapose it with progress. What is the difference between the
“Saved By Faith Alone, But Not A Faith That Stands Alone II!”(Jm.2:18-26).“But someone will say, ‘You have faith, I have deeds.’ Show me your faith
“Saved By Faith Alone, But Not A Faith That Stands Alone”(Jm.2:14-17).The Doh’s family were a middle class Christian family. They always had enough for the
“Understanding God’s Grace In All Its Truth!”(Col. 1:3-8).“…we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and for the love you have for all the
“The Seeds You Sow Today Determine The Crops You’ll Harvest Tomorrow!”(Gal. 6:7-10).A Mungaka name is, “Yummunbia”, meaning, “what a man plants…”What is commonly considered the
“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is
“Beware Of What You Keep In The Storehouse Of Your Heart!”(Mt. 12:33-37).The story is told of a lady who threw all her garbage in the
“A New But Old Command!”(I Jn.2:7-11).Some of us may be completely ignorant of what is happening around us. To my Cameroonian friends we are talking
“Walk In The Light!”(I Jn.1:5-10).“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him is no darkness
“Purify Yourself From Everything That Contaminates…!”(II Cor.6:14-7:1).“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship
“God’s Unbounded & Unfailing Love!”(Jn. 3:16-21).John 3:16 expresses the depth of God’s unbounded and unfailing love of the world he created. By that love is
“Overcoming Lust!”(Mt. 5:27-30).Yesterday we said, “While your physical eyes can lead you into sin, the eyes of your heart leads you away from sin.”An adage
“Use The Eyes Of Your Heart!”(Eph. 5:11-14).“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even
“God’s Unconditional Love!”(Dt. 7:6-12).One of my Christians, a former chairperson of her congregation had a fatal bike accident last Sunday. I shivered when she first
“Crossing Our Red Sea II!”(Ex. 14:21-29).Rev Fandio was a part-time lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological College, Kumba when we were diploma students in that institution.One
“Crossing Our Red Sea!”(Ex. 14:8-20).“…Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today…The LORD will fight for
God’s Unfailing Promise!”(Is. 43:1-7).A clergyman dressed in his clerical shirt entered a restaurant for a bite. An atheist came and sat on the same table
“On Our Way Rejoicing!”(Act 8:26-39)In a small African village a Christian missionary tried so often to convert an old African. The man was not interested;
“Rite Of Passage Into Newness!”(Col. 2:11-12).Back in the days in Bali Nyonga circumcision was an initiation rite into manhood. It was a rite of passage
“No Turning Back!”(Jn. 6:66-69).Jesus had just talked of how one had to eat his flesh and drink his blood to qualify for heaven. Many of
“A Commensurate Reward Is Awaiting You!”(Mt. 19:27-30).St. Patrick is said to have been the one who first introduced Christianity in Ireland, ca 432 AD. Ireland
“Carry Your Cross…!”(Mt. 10:34-39).One of the cherished attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ is “Prince of peace”(Cf Is. 9:6). At his birth the heavenly host
“Those The Father Has Given!”(Lk. 9:57-62).In a lengthy talk with the disciples, Jesus said among others, “You did not choose me, but I chose you
“Responding To A Higher Calling!”(I Kgs 19:19-21).How time flies! We just entered the seventh month of the calendar year 2024. Thank you Father for bringing
“Be Good And Do Good Always!”(I Pt. 3:8-17).“Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and
“Love: A Continuing Debt To Pay!”(Rom.13:8-10).If there is one thing more than others that stresses people a lot, it is being a debtor. Financial institutions
“Wicked BroSis, ‘Don’t Be Afraid…!”(Gen. 50:15-21).Joseph the son of Israel is often hailed as a “from grass to grace” model. Correctly so, but Joseph is
“Be Merciful…!”(Lk. 6:36-42).Since the eye sees not itself except by reflection, we hardly know that the baggage we carry attracts judgment and criticisms from others.We
“Out Of Court Settlement!”(I Cor. 6:1-8).Some months ago we lost an illustrious son in the US. He had just graduated from a military school. Circumstances
“Justified By Faith!”(Rom. 4:6-12).Back in the days when we obtained our FSL certificates, it became the end of formal education for some of us. Our
“The Righteous Advocate!”(I Jn. 2:1-6).A man was arraigned to court for a theft of fifty million francs CFA. He told his defense counsel that he
“May The Righteous Triumph!”(Prv. 28:12-14).“When t he righteous Triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked prevail, people go into hiding. No one who
“Repent And Live!”(Ez. 18:1-4&21-24&30-32).Reading from my laboratory result the other day, the doctor asked me if there is a family history of a certain disease.
“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”(Eph. 2:11-16).Some weeks ago, we centered a reflection on the great Ephesian Moment. Talking about the Ephesian moment,
“Pardon On The Cross!”(Lk. 23:39-43).About two months ago I was called to baptised somebody on his sick bed. I had been told that several of