“Give Thanks To The LORD…!”
“Give Thanks To The LORD…!”(Is. 12:1-6).The beauty of Scriptures is that it makes it plain that life must not become problem-free/trouble-free before we give thanks
“Give Thanks To The LORD…!”(Is. 12:1-6).The beauty of Scriptures is that it makes it plain that life must not become problem-free/trouble-free before we give thanks
“Love: The Tie That Binds All Virtues…!”(Col. 3:12-17)“Two drunkards can reconcile over a bottle of beer, but two Christians will still hold grudges with bibles
“Sing And Make Music In Your Heart To The Lord!”(Eph. 5:15-20).For Sunday services and other Holy days the lectionary of the PCC provides three scriptural
“Preach The Unsearchable Riches Of Christ!”(Eph. 3:7-12).“I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of
“Love And Obedience…!”(I Jn. 5:1-3).We lift up our eyes to the mountain and say, “LORD, thank you for a new day; and for all the
“Keep My Ways And Be Blessed!”(Prv. 8:22-32).Some New Testament writings draw inspiration from (especially chapter eight of) the Book of Proverbs to describe Christ as
“Keep The Covenant!”(Jer. 11:1-13).Yesterday we reflected on the jealousy of our God – which is the possessiveness of what he cherishes.Just like in the days
“Our God Is A Jealous God: Serve Only Him!”(Dt. 4:15-24).“…Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with
“No gods Alongside God!”(Ex. 20:23).Human beings are a superior species among all of God’s creation because they are created in the image ofGod. Of all
“Going After The Lost Sheep And Those That Were Not Yet In The Fold!”(Acts17: 16-34).During a retreat yesterday with elected elders and group leaders who
“Testimony Of Service II!”(Acts 20:28-38).Few days ago the Presbyterian pastors of Bali presbytery were having their monthly meeting. They shared three cartons of savon for
“Testimony Of Service!”(Acts 20:17-27).This week has been devoted to messages which tell how God decides to rescue his sheep from bad and hired shepherds so
“I Am The Good Shepherd III!(Jn. 10:11-16).“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is
“I Am The Good Shepherd II”(Zec. 10:1-4).There is this story that is trending on social media about the drowning and eventual death of a Nigerian
“I Am The Good Shepherd!”(Ez.34:11-19).Israel was a theocracy when they first settled in the promised land. God ruled through the priests and from time to
“It Shall Be Well!”(Jer. 31:10-14).A peculiarity of false and greedy prophets is to pronounce, “peace, peace when there is no peace”(Jer. 6:14, 8:11).“It is well”
“Overseers And Not Masters!”(I Pt. 5:1-5).When I first read the novel, “Burning Grass” by Cyprian Ekwensi, I was not yet intelligently mature to appreciate the
“Rejoice And Be Glad In God’s Salvation!”(Is. 25:8-9).It is rare to dig a new road without cutting across the existing road – sometimes in many
“A Work In Progress…!”(I Pt. 2:1-10).“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like new born babies
“Believe In The Son Of God…”!(I Jn. 5:3-10).Two words we would want for us as MM followers to be clarified on: exegesis and heresy.In simple
“Stop Doubting And Believe!”(Jn.20:19-29).Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side.
“Stop Doubting…!”(Mk.16:9-13).“Doubting Thomas” has become a negative tag on anyone who expresses disbelief about something. This is because Thomas did not believe the others when
“Mary Magdalene: The First Evangelist!”(Jn.20:11-18).I wouldn’t mind if the PCC were to have a female Moderator. I would very much love to see a female
“Always Give Yourself Fully To The Work Of The Lord!”(I Cor.15:50-58).Today is the first Sunday after the commemoration of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Since
“Another Kind Of Body…!”(I Cor.15:35-49).Before Adam was expelled from the garden of Eden God told him, “…By the sweat of your brow you will eat
“Come Back To Your Senses…!”(I Cor.15:29-34).“Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are
“The Dead Shall Arise!”(I Cor.15:20-28).The evidences of Christ’s death for the sins of humanity, his burial, resurrection and post-resurrection appearances (I Cor.15:3-8), leads to the
“The Dead Shall Arise!”(I Cor.15:12-19).Those who killed Jesus were convinced that his disciples would steal his body from the tomb, hide it and claim that
“Get Rid Of The Old Yeast Of Malice And Wickedness!”(I Cor.5:7-8).In commemorating the Exodus, the Israelites were to eat bread without yeast for seven days.
“In Defense Of The Resurrection!”(I Cor.15:1-11).Christian Apologetics exist in every generation within space and time. Their presence is of great importance because every generation have
“He Has Risen!…!”(Acts.13:26-40).Some of the concerned women went very early in the morning to see if they could anoint Jesus’ body. They were surprised to
“Even In Dead, Jesus Is Lord!”(Mt.27:62-66).At the death of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council, who was himself waiting for the
“Your Death O Christ We Proclaim…Your Coming We Await!”(Heb. 9:24-28).Some jokes consider this week to be Judas’ week. Others ask that all the Judases should
“The Silence That Enhances The Fulfilment Of God’s Plan!”(Mk. 15:1-20).The Sanhedrin tried Jesus and “condemned him as worthy of death” as we read yesterday. The
“Say ‘No’ To Any Travesty Of Justice!”(Mk. 14:53-72).Two stories feature in today’s passion narrative. Firstly, after his arrest Jesus is brought before the Sanhedrin. The
“Fair Weather Friends!”(Mk.14:27-52).The Passion story continues with Jesus predicting his death and saying how the apostles will all fall away in fulfilment of the scriptures,
“A Passion For The Sake Of The Marginalized!”(Mk.14:1-26).The “Passion Narratives” begins today. This year we are reading these narratives from the Gospel according to Mark.
Cultivate An Attitude As That Of Christ Jesus!”(Phi.2:5-11).Today is Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of Holy Week.Holy Week will be characterized by daily Passion
“A Priest Who Meets Our Need!”(Heb.7:23-28).In my denomination, the PCC, the prayer of Confession of sins is central in the worship service. It is the
“A Priest Forever!”(Heb.7:15-22).The first time a priest is mentioned in the Old Testament is when Melchizedeck, “priest of the Most High God,” who doubled as
“A Priest Like No Other!”(Heb.7:1-14).“If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood (for on the basis of it the law was given to
“Say ‘No To Inordinate Ambition!’”(Mk.10:35-45).Two brothers, James and John, came to Jesus and said, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask.”
“Servanthood Leadership, When Practiced Attracts Blessing!”(Jn.13:1-30).Good morning dear congregation of MM. We thank God for a new day, and that we are back to serve
“The Awful Silence Of God!”(Am.8:11-12).When an African family head is on his sickbed, those nursing him makes sure that he does not turn and face
“True Education!”(I Jn.2:24-29).In the desert the children of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron because they were starving. They longed for the fleshpots of Egypt,
“The Sign Of Jonah!”(Mt.26:1-12).The Pharisees and Sadducees were part of the Sanhedrin, but differed on some salient doctrines. While the Pharisees believed in angels, the
“God’s Ways…!”(Acts.8:1-8)In one of his resurrection appearances, and before his ascension into heaven, Jesus told the apostles, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
“Replacement!”(Mt.12:43-45).The Nigerian born Samuel Ajayi Crowther was the first African to be consecrated bishop of the Anglican Church. Crowther is remembered for telling African priests
“Saved By Faith And Commitment To The Lord Jesus Christ!”(Mt.19:16-26).A rich young man came to Jesus and asked, “What good thing must I do to
“The Word Of God Is At Work In Those Who Believe!”(I Thes.2:13-20).“And we also thank God continually because when you received the word of God,