“No More Kontry Fashion; The Blood Of Jesus Is Enough For Me!”


” No More Kontry Fashion;” The Blood Of Jesus Is Enough For Me!”
In some African villages domestic creatures like fowls, goats and sheep are reared for three reasons. The first reason is to use them for sacrifices. Such sacrifices include cleansing, purification, stalling off calamities. They are for appeasement, cajoling and for propitiation.
The second reason is for replacement and ransom. This second reason is usually not clearly discernible, but it underlies and is understood only by the wise. It is understood that when an angry god comes to destroy you and you have chickens or goats, the god may take a chicken or a goat and spare a human life. This in religious terms is replacement.
The last reason is simple; these creatures are reared as ready meat for eating.
African Christianity is in larger measure “indigenous religion in disguise.” This explains the reason why too much blood of animals are killed even during important Christian feasts like Christmas and Easter.
While we can easily dismiss this by saying we just kill those animals as meat for Christmas, the truth is that there is that unconscious element of the transference of the religious beliefs of traditional religion into Christianity.
Most of our so-called “kontry fashion” are traditional religious sacrifices of cleansing and atonement. Think twice and reorientate your worldview to become a true African Christian and kill goats and chickens not for the value of their blood, but rather just the flesh for mere food.
The blood of Jesus Christ was the ultimate blood, offered without blemish to God to purify our conscience from dead works so that we serve the living God (Heb.9:11-14).
My friend, before you attend to “kontry fashion” think twice! The blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is enough for you! No other blood is necessary because that of Jesus is over abundant!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that you died, and that you died for me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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