“No Time For Excuses; The Time Is Now!”
The song on my lips this morning is, “O what great invitation, that calls you to the feast. Each soul is now invited, the greatest and the least…” The favoured ones always take things for granted until they realise maybe too late that privileges donot become rights.
Israel became proud and arrogant because they were the chosen of God through their blood descent from Abraham. They thought they could respond to God when they wanted and not when God wanted them.
Like the people invited to the “great supper” they gave flimsy excuses. They had their interest focused on mundane affairs so they ignored the feast on “spiritual matters.” They were concerned with their material possessions and undermined the invitation of their benefactor! As a result of their rejection the invitation was now extended to those who least expected to be guest to such an important home – the Gentiles!(Lk.14:16-24).
So to say, the kingdom of God is to those who are responsive to the call, it is not for those whose names were on the list.
Last evening I read this post by a friend, I hope she permits me to use it here.
It says, “Day 8 Quote:
‘We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.’
– Desmond Tutu” I just said to myself, “Halellujah! It is just this soft spot which God has for sinners, and because his standards are so low that I have a place in heaven!”
My friend, do not take God’s grace in Christ Jesus for granted! Be responsive to his call to the great feast as soon as it is now! Tomorrow may never come!
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide me so that I should not take God’s grace in Christ Jesus for granted. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!”
“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!”(Heb.12:1-3).“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the