“Open Wide Your Heart To Others!”


“Open Wide Your Heart To Others!”
In a typical African village life is communal. What concerns one person is the concern of everybody. My people say, “Muñ ni Muñ” – man live by man! Again, it is acknowledged that a person’s people are his buttocks. This is equal to “Ubuntu” of eastern and southern Africa. Thus it is that “I am, because we are; and since we are, therefore I am.”
This is not different from European understanding as John Donne put it, “No man is an island entirely to itself…”
In this community setups we are expected to be one another’s keeper, and life should be reciprocal.
Whoever has ever studied on a scholarship has been sponsored through the sweats and labours of so many people. So before you utter a rude word to a stranger be mindful that you may be insulting your benefactor. There are many who are poor, though they have made others rich. And there are many who seemingly have nothing, yet they possess everything because the Christian family is their wealth!
The Christian family is the wealth of the believer because in a true fellowship all the believers have everything in common. From each according to his means and to each according to his needs!
What else can foster the bond of togetherness within a community of believers except that they become open books to each other!
Yes, my friend, friendship soured between plantain and cocoyam because while the plantain exposed everything it owned as agreed, the cocoyam hid its own in the ground. Our doted father Rev Dr Elangwe Isaac Sakwe is remembered for his popular expression, “gentlemen, all cards on the table!”
Paul writes, “We have spoken freely to you…and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you…As a fair exchange…open wide your hearts also”(II Cor.6:8b-13). Life is give and take, how opened are you to the Other!
Weekend Prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me to open wide my heart to others and be responsive to the call always. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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