“Peace Be To This House!”
The story of the sending out of the seventy two is very rich in content. For our edification today let us focus on these: “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ Jesus also told them that in whichever town they have a warm reception, they should “Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near you.'”
Even where they are rejected, as they wipe the dust off their feet they themselves should “know this, that the kingdom of God has come near”(Lk.10:1-11).
There seems to be a reverse in today’s evangelists where emphasis seems to be on how much the herald gathers for self instead of delivering the goodnews which heals and assures!
Offer them peace, heal the sick and tell the people that the kingdom of God has come near.
“Near” can be understood in two ways. “Come near to you” should be understood as “right next to you”, or “by your side.” On the other hand, “has come near” would mean “fast approaching” or “soon to arrive.”
What is it therefore that is already by the side or fast approaching? It is the goodnews of peace, love, healing of spiritually, emotionally, psychologically and physically sick people! It is to make the rejected and despised know that Jesus is the wounded healer!
Unfortunately we cannot give what we do not have. We cannot offer what we have not received! That is why Peter admonishes us, “put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation – If indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good…”(I Pt.2:1-10).
Every believer is a messenger of the goodnews to others. Therefore, as one who has been sent ahead of the Lord, be a detergent and not a deterrent of the goodnews! Let people see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen me through the Holy Spirit to live the gospel which I declare in your name. Give us spiritual eyes to see the kingdom of God right by our sides. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
“Repent Or Perish!”
“Repent Or Perish!”(Jer.26:1-15).Prophet Jeremiah deserves to receive a posthumous accolade for resilience; for standing by the truth of God’s word, and being ready to die