“Preaching In The Midst Of Inciters!”


“Preaching In The Midst Of Inciters!”(Acts 13:42-52).
There is this pwrsistent phenomena happening in the congregations within the African churches. Within the congregations are some Christians who have been used to some malpractices. These persons portray themselves as the ones who have the financial strength and intelligence to run the congregations. What the Christians do not know is that such clicks are crooks of the highest order! And they are very good manipulators too! When a pastor refuses to gang up with them or try to expose their atrocities, they will go about manipulating the Christians and painting bad pictures of the pastor. And when the pastor is transferred, they pop champagne to celebrate their win.
I speak from a double experience. I have been transferred a few times because of the scheming of such manipulators. Secondly, as Synod Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon so many such cases came to my table. The Synod Clerk is the Chief of staff and all personnel matters of the Church should be presented to him for final decision in collaboration with the Moderator. During my tenor in office I argued strongly that administration is not based on hearsay. Unfortunately some administrators think that the best way to do administration is to plant spies in every unit of the system. The truth however is that such spies are the naysayers who think that since they have connections at the top they can concoct any kind of slander against the workers and blackmail him/her to the top. It works very well, but during my time as chief of staff, I refused to sign to move, suspend or terminate a staff without proper findings!
Among the staff of any church the clergy are singled out as targets of the manipulators and backstabbers. And the clergy always pay dearly for it!
The people often say for example that “the pastor means ‘pass to.’ So they are just passing!” This is quite unfortunate!
I have been a lecturer at the lone theological seminary of my church. I held multiple positions in that institution, including at one time being Director of Academic Affairs concurrently with Registrar and Librarian. I was a Librarian not just for naming sake, but I hold a certificate in Library Science.
Why are we saying all these? Being a one time Vice Chairman of the Seminary Administrative Council – in my capacity as Synod Clerk – we emphasized on the need for building a career for lecturers. This is possible if those lecturers are allowed to remain in the academic domain for as long as possible. But when they are transferred quite so often to parish pastors on some flimsy excuses, they cannot build a career.
When PhD holders are wasted as parish pastors of non-productive parishes we should be ready to be having mediocre pastors with half-baked theologies; and whose best qualifications are their abilities to sing the master’s praises with very high tones!
At Antioch Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel of Christ in such a way that it penetrated the congregation right into the marrow, such that “the people invited them to speak further about these things on the next sabbath.”
And on the next sabbath “almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.”
But you know what? ‘When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying.”
Worst than that, “the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from the region.”
In his time Jesus lamented over Jerusalem because they beat and even killed the prophets whom God sent to them(Mt.23:34-39).
Dear friend, watch out what you do by manipulating the Christians against God’s servants, to your own interest and gain! The unfortunate thing with those who support manipulators, be it in the secular society or in the church is that they do not see through the fact that manipulators are self-centered egoistic persons! They use the populace for their gains!
Open your hearts and be receptive to the word of God so that the manipulators and schemers will be exposed – to their chagrin! Receive the word and be filled with the Holy Spirit!
Sunday prayer: Holy Spirit fill the hearts of those who are receptive to the gospel and expose and shame the Jews who incite the people. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”

“Eschew The Entitlement Mentality!”(Lk.17:7-10).“Entitlement is “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.”This is what someone said of entitlement: “The entitlement

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