“Prepare For End Time Reward!”(II Th.1:3-10)[13/12/2024].
A Christian once expressed her frustration, saying, “Jesus, if this is the way you treat your friends, then very soon you would have very few of them.” She said this because of the work they had to do regularly to transform three classrooms into a worship hall and to rearrange them back into classrooms immediately after service.
Today’s generation with their penchant for easy life has bred Christians who want comfortable Christianity – a Christianity that provides a good life without stress of work and free from persecution.
This brand of Christianity is not the kind for which Paul commended the Christians of Thessalonica. Theirs was a commitment of “perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials” they were facing. Despite this, their faith was growing more and more, and the love each one of them had for each other was increasing.
Today, we operate under vindictive systems right inside the church. Last evening, I almost laughed out my lungs by the remark made by one journalist in a WhatsApp group. After having posted a major shakeup in a church, he ended: “To err is human, to forgive depends on what the person did. So be guided.”
If we believe in what the scriptures say, and if we are convinced that it speaks to our situation, then we know that God “will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.”
At end time all these things are going to come to pass.
As for you, hold on to your faith to be commended now and to be rewarded when Christ comes to be glorified.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit, help us daily to enhance the growth of our faith and to increase our love for each other. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Receive God’s Word And Obey It!”
“Receive God’s Word Now And Obey It!”(Am.8:11-12).The first resident missionaries in the Grassfield regions of Cameroon arrived in Bali on Sunday, 17th March 1903. The