“Preparing For The Heavenly Praise!”


“Preparing For The Heavenly Praise!”(Rev. 4:1-11).
In as much as almost everyone in Africa can sing, parents were never happy if their child engaged in music. They use to say singing and dancing was for idle loafers. It was considered that a musician would die poor. Yet everybody admired good music.
Today there is a paradigm shift. Musicians make good money.
Work is necessary; but gone are the days when Musicians and other kinds of entertainers were considered as good-for-nothing fellows.
The day comes for each person when he or she rests from his or her labours. No more pain and no more sorrow. No more tiredness because there is no longer any work.
So what are we going to be doing in eternity? Praise and singing will be our only heavenly preoccupation. Heaven will be constituted of a mass choir whose only duty is to sing songs of adoration, praise etc as they worship the One who sits on the throne.
Today we share in the revelation of John in which, day and night four living creatures whose work, was to never stop singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.”
When these living creatures “give glory, honour and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever…” twenty-four elders fall before him and worship him who lives forever.
They all sing, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Coming before today’s text of this vision of the throne and he who sits on it, were the letters addressed to the seven churches that existed at the time. Each letter points out the strengths and the weaknesses of the members of each church.
Identified weaknesses become opportunities and when worked upon becomes strengths.
Therefore, let us keep on weeding the weeds in our gardens of life so that we become useful vessels, worthy to sing and praise the eternal one who sits upon the throne.
May we work daily on building up our faith through godliness so that we can be a mirror reflection of what will become in the presence of the one who sits upon the throne forever.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit work on us to make us befitting in prostrating before the throne of grace to worship the Eternal Rock of ages. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
(A big “Thank you” to those who have made freewill donations to help in the treatment of Chantal’s breast cancer. An ambulance will pick her from Mutengene today to Mbingo Baptist hospital in Kom. God bless you all abundantly. We are still waiting for those who are about to donate. Nothing is small).



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