“Put Your Trust In The Lord, And Always Appreciate His Goodness!”
King Hezekiah was ill almost to death. The Lord sent prophet Isaiah to tell the him to put his house in order because his sickness was on to death. The king prayed and wept and God changed his mind and added fifteen more years to Hezekiah’s life.
After his recovery he reminisced on what would have happened to him. We never know the value of good health until sickness strikes. Health is wealth. A wholistic life is a life that depends on God.
God spared Hezekiah’s life but the experience of what almost happened left him with a bitter taste.
When life is rough on you there is no other hiding place other than in the shelter of God’s eyes where through Jesus Christ you find love and life for your soul.
Every misfortune, every calamity that befalls you is a lesson in humility! All our problems are momentary; they are temporary and shall come to pass for the Scriptures asures us so!
Like Hezekiah, tell the Lord, “…I am troubled; O Lord, come to my aid!” It is important also to accept the Lord’s decision upon your fate! Hezekiah said, “But what can I say? He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this. I will walk humbly all my years because of this anguish of my soul…”(Is.38:9-15).
Unpleasant things and evil times are bound to happen to you, but what you make of it is what matters. God has the power to take your life anytime he so desires, just as he can add to it anytime he wants. Put your trust in him and call upon him always! Use every situation as an opportunity to walk humbly all your years!
Prayer: Thank you Lord for bringing me hope of a new beginning when I thought all was lost. Amen!
Welcome back to work! We wish you a blessed day and week as you walk humbly before the Lord! Peace be with!
“Immanuel!”(Zec.2:10-13)[22/12/2024].Coming from one of the renowned paramount fondoms of the Grass field (Graffi) regions of our motherland, I know what respect, humility, decency, and decorum