“Radiance From The Place Of Innerstanding!”


“Radiance From The Place Of Innerstanding!”(Ex.34:28-35).
Yesterday, we read how Moses wanted God to show his face to him. God did not show his face to Moses, but God makes his face to shine upon us. He even instructed it as a blessing formula for the priests to pronounce on the people: “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; The LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace”(Num.6:24-26).
When we are in the presence of the LORD with genuineness of heart, his face shines, not only upon us, it penetrates the innerman to give us “innerstanding.” When there is innerstanding, we too become “radiant.”
The biblical Hebrew word “radiance ” can mean: shine, light, burn, be radiant. Another definition of radiance is, to sparkle, figuratively it is, “be cheerful.”
That is why we talk of “radiance” as the result of innerstanding.”
Innerstanding is that “deep, intuitive understanding of ourselves, others, and our experiences.” It is more than mere understanding as “it delves into a deeper awareness of our emotions, truths, and motivations.”
Radiance pours upon us when we get to the moment of innerstanding. It was such a moment of innerstanding that caused Archimedes in a fit of jubilation to leap straight out of the bath and ran naked on the streets shouting “Eureka!” “Eureka!” – “I have found it.” “I have found it.”
Moses was up the mountain with LORD for forty days and nights without eating or drinking anything. During this time, he was writing the words of the covenant – the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, as per the instruction from the LORD.
On his descent from the mountain, Moses “was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.”
Aaron and the rest of the people saw that Moses’ “face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him.”
Moses had gotten to the moment of innerstanding; that is, the LORD had raised him to the spiritual realm where the deep mystery of revelation resides. He tapped into the mysteries, and the content of those two stone tablets was deeply ingrained in his heart before it was written on the stones. His face had to be radiant! He had to be cheerful! Like Archimedes of later day, he too had found it! He innerstood the deep things of God!
My friend, Moses spent forty days and forty nights in the presence of the LORD, and his face became radiant; he became cheerful. Copying from Moses, let us learn to spend more time with the LORD, and we will elevate from understanding to innerstanding, and we will be radiant and cheerful because we know the LORD better than before.
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide me to the presence of the LORD to be radiated with radiance. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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