“Reject Any Idol Set Up By The King!”


“Reject Any Idol Set Up By The King!”
When a king rejects the advise of the elderly people and embraces the advise of the young and inexperienced, he must be ready to bear the consequences of his actions(Cf. I Kgs11:26-12:21).
Secondly, don’t ignore God and think you can succeed through your own might. It is neither by might nor by power but simply by the Spirit of God that all strongholds are destroyed. “The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still”(Ex.14:14) are words that should be deeply rooted in our hearts.
Jeroboam was made king of the northern kingdom by God’s design to bring shame to the house of Solomon. Instead of depending on God to lead him along, he resorted to his own human wisdom.
The end result was that he transformed a godfearing kingdom into a kingdom of idolatory. He “built shrines on high places and appointed priests from all sorts of people, even though they were not Levites”(I Kgs 12:22-31).
Cameroon is where it is today because churches through their prelates have entered into an unholy alliance with the state and have thus lost the moral authority to be the watchdog of society, the mouthpiece of the oppressed and the voice of the voiceless! On the other hand the state having gained a foothold within the church in an unholy union have set up alters to the antiChrist all over the nation!
However, God is a God of many chances and now that we have an opportunity for dialogue, let us penetrate the deeper reasons why we are where we are now! From both sides of the divide between church and state, we should address the issues of unholy alliances that has handicapped our courage to tell the king what the Lord has said!
It is time to pick the pieces and put them together again! Let us return to God!
Prayer: Holy Spirit enable me to refuse to worship any idol set up in my country to protect the interest of the king. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!.



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