“Rejoice In The Lord; You Have Been Sealed With The Holy Spirit!”


“Rejoice In The Lord; You Have Been Sealed With The Holy Spirit!”
Judaism was an exclusive religion which was universalised by the coming of Christ. Unfortunately, most jewish converts into chritianity were still reasoning the new faith using the old categories of Judaism. It is normal that you cannot begin to take in new ideas except in terms of ideas you already have.
Paul an apostle to the Gentiles passes on a universal message of salvation that God works according to plan and at the appointed time.
My friend, the good news which is specifically yours is that in this plan of salvation “you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with the seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession – to the praise of his glory.”(Eph.1:3-14).
From this very rich text let these three points be your take home message today:

  1. You are also included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation.
    2.The moment you believed you were marked in Christ with a seal, the Holy Spirit.
    3.The Holy Spirit guarantees your inheritance until all who are God’s possession are redeemed.
    All this is to the praise of God’s glory as Father, Son and Holy Spirit unite their efforts to work for your salvation!
    Knowing that you are not going to be saved alone, hold the hands of others so that we all both run the race together! Christ is for everybody who believes! Let us therefore help one another in this journey in faith!
    Prayer: Father I thank you that you have saved me through Jesus Christ. I thank you that you have marked me in Christ with a seal – the Holy Spirit, the guarantor of my spiritual inheritance. Amen!
    Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!


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