“Remain Rooted In Jesus Christ The Everlasting Treasure!”
Africa people go to “Babas” to find ways of becoming rich, becoming wise or to gain power and have authority over others. Unfortunately the conditions are explained to them only when they have been initiated. The devil does not offer any free lunch! What he gives you with the right hand he takes back with the left hand.
The three things mentioned above which people go to seek from somewhere is found in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus himself tells us to seek first the kingdom of heaven and all other things will be added on to it.
When we are encouraged in heart and united in love it becomes possible for us to know the mystery of God which is “Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Jesus Christ is the treasure hidden in a field; he is a pearl of great value. To acquire it one has to dispossess self of all other entanglements so as to possess it (Mtt.13:44-46).
To enjoy this treasure once acquired Paul advises: “…just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness”(Col.2:1-7).
Christ the everlasting treasure is the epicentre of love. He demonstrated love when he made himself a free sacrificial lamb.
Wealthy people move around with an air of completeness because they consider that there is no problem which money cannot solve. If Jesus Christ is our pearl of great value, then we too can develop airs because we can share in the cares and burdens of others.
We would want for others to feel what we feel and have what we have. We would share our riches, our wisdom and our strengths with those who do not have.
Sunday Prayer: Lord keep me in Christ who reveals to me “the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Amen!
Wishing you a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
“Approach God’s Throne Of Grace With Confidence!”
“Approach God’s Throne Of Grace With Confidence!”(Heb.4:14-16).“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God,