“Return To The LORD!”


“Return To The LORD!”(Jer.3:14-17).
It is another new day and another new week. Father we thank you for another day of grace.
The other day I learned that a certain brand of jeep of a famous trade mark car manufacturing company is doing a recall of all the jeeps they manufactured in a certain year. The reason being that a fault has been detected on a few of the jeeps. The best they can do now is to recall all the jeeps that were sold for correction. In the meantime, those customers will be offered brand new marks.
The lesson here is that when a fault is detected, there is need for a recall, so as to fix what is faulty. Even good cars without a manufacturer’s fault needs constant servicing and overhauling. It is not different with human life. Firstly, we have the tendency of violating the terms of warranty. We have alienated ourselves from the manufacturer, using fuel and oil that is not recommended for the car. We have even fallen for the scam of the competitor(Adversary, Satan) who convinces us that the spare parts he recommends for replacement are better than the original parts of the manufacturer(God our creator, Redeemer and Sustainer)!
Happily enough our manufacturer continues to request a complete recall for correction, repair and overhauling! He says today, “Return, faithless people, for I am your husband. I will choose you – one from a town and two from a clan – and bring you to Zion…”
God as a husband choosing from towns and clans does not make him a polygamist. Rather, it is a figure of speech denoting that “many are called, but few are chosen.” The remnants who heed the call of the LORD shall be like a mustard seed, which, small as it is, when planted become a big tree where birds come and build their nests, and also provide a resting shade for weary travelers.
Those who return to the LORD through his Son Jesus Christ become the new Israel, dwelling in the new Jerusalem, carrying the name, “The Throne of the LORD.”
Good news, “all nations will gather…to honor the LORD. NO LONGER WILL THEY FOLLOW THE STUBBORNNESS OF THEIR EVIL HEARTS.”
Dear friend, the message is simple: Return to the LORD!” Since the LORD is the one asking us to return, it means he has allowed U-turns! Therefore, let us make a turn away from the stubbornness of our evil hearts.
Prayer of the day and week: Holy Spirit prompt us to turn away from the stubbornness of our evil hearts and return to the LORD. Amen!
Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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