“Saved By Faith Alone, But Not A Faith That Stands Alone!”


“Saved By Faith Alone, But Not A Faith That Stands Alone”(Jm.2:14-17).
The Doh’s family were a middle class Christian family. They always had enough for the day. A day never passed without them throwing away some leftover food. Each of their prayers before meal included, “Lord we know there are some who do not have, but by faith we know that you will provide for them spiritually…”
Incidentally a very poor family was their neighbor. This poor family hardly went to bed with full stomachs.
One of these days we may post the 95 theses of Martin Luther which eventually gave birth to the widely Christian group with the umbrella name “Protestants.” And what was the reason for the protest?
Our common understanding as we learned since from our primary school days is that the protest was against the sales of indulgence.
Yes, it was! But far more than that it was about the question of “How is a person saved?”, or like the rich young man asked Jesus, “What must I do to be saved?”
Luther challenged the sales of indulgence because by its very definition the Pope had the power to free souls from purgatory, but he wouldn’t do so unless the coins jingled in the offering box.
From the above premise protestant teaching stated the following “solas” (loosely translated ‘alone’ as the only way and plan of salvation:

  1. “Grace alone.”(Rom. 3:10-12).
  2. “Faith alone.”(Rom. 4:4-5).
  3. “Christ alone.”(Jn.14:16).
  4. “Scripture alone.”(II Pt. 1:21)., and
  5. “To the glory of God alone.”(Ti.3:4-5).
    The second sola, “faith alone” is our focus today. James, aka James the Divine, a supposed brother of Jesus says we cannot claim to have faith if it is not accompanied by works of loving care.
    On the contrary the prophet Habakkuk had prophesied that “the righteous will be saved by his faith.”
    Does this suppose any conflict or disagreement? No! Luther explained it by stating that we are justified by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone.
    This is to say works come after faith as a complement or appreciation of what we have benefited from faith alone.
    All in all it narrows down to the fact that works should be a visible testimony to faith.
    The meal prayer of the Doh’s family showed they had faith in what God can do, but they failed to be God’s agents here to do that which they prayed for.
    May the Holy Spirit help us to do that which we pray for.
    Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help us daily to complement our prayers with loving actions. Amen!
    Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
    Rev Babila Fochang.


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