“Saved By The Gardener!”


“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).
Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is need for monitoring and evaluation. If at any given moment monitoring and evaluation discovers that the project may be a wild goose chase, the owner of the project may decide to fold up.
If any project – be it for profit or none for profit – is not meeting its objective, it is needless to continue investing in it.
As it is, individually and collectively we are God’s projects with regular monitoring and evaluation. Beyond the period of investment, and when the business is expected to be making profit, God realizes that he was making but loss, then there’s need to fold up.
Like we said yesterday, our hearts are the storehouses of the LORD. He has invested in us, but when he thinks it’s time to count his gains all he finds are trees that do not produce any fruit. A tree is known by its fruits and the farm owner expects good fruits. It is worst when in due season the tree produces no fruit at all.
Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ whose intercession has given us another year of grace. When God the owner of our lives want to destroy us because we have not served his purpose the exalted Lord (gardener) pleads for one more year in which he will mould us to make us what God wants us to be.
What this means for us – and which is very important- is that we are not alive today because we are better than those who have gone ahead. On the contrary, we are alive today because Jesus has pleaded to the Father to give us one more chance so that the Holy Spirit can work on us and make us fruitful. However this period of grace comes with a condition. Concerning us Jesus the gardener tells the Father: “Sir, leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.”
In a conversation with a friend the other day he said, “Too late Hewitt!” My response was that “we can never turn back the hands of the clock, but we can correct the past by keenly keeping pace with the ticking clock so as to be able to make up for the past! Therefore dear friend, it is beneficial for you and I to know that our being alive today is a period of grace in which we are expected to bear fruit that will satisfy the farm owner. Make good use of this moment of grace to make amends before it is too late.
Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ that through you the Father has granted us this moment of grace. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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