“Seek Greatness In Servanthood!”


“Seek Greatness In Servanthood!”
The Lord Jesus Christ expects his followers to suit their words with action, for action speaks louder than words. Teachers, fathers and instructors are expected to lead by example and not by mere words.
Unfortunately in our human weaknesses, we often fail to convince our own selves, even when we know what ought to be.
In our daily lives we must strive to do what we tell others should be done. We shouldn’t take delight on placing heavy burdens on people, yet not being “willing to lift a finger to move them.”
Worst of it is when everything we do is done for people to see. Morals crumble when stakeholders do things to impress rather than being fully committed with no desire for cheap gain!
True mark of greatness is not to derive pleasure to be called ‘Rabbi’ and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces! True greatness is derived from service in humility.
Jesus says, “The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted”(Mtt.23:1-12).
The indictment of this passage is more to me and my colleagues who expound the law to others! So therefore my friend, you are I are called upon to be introspective so as to be our best in being what we tell others to become! Do what you have been assigned to do without seeking for notice and praise!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ teach me humility; Holy Spirit purge me of hypocrisy so that I can be and do what I teach others to be. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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