“Seek Justice For The Poor And Needy!”


“Seek Justice For The Poor And Needy!”
It is the duty of any leadership to execute justice with the consciousness that God is watching! Both leadership and people are to execute judgment and mercy, especially to the most needy. When this priority is misplaced, the God who appointed can still dissappoint!
Leaders who prefer ostentatious living and ignore the weighty matters of executing justice are admonished:
“Woe to him who builds his palace by unrighteousness…making his countrymen work for nothing, not paying them for their labour…your eyes and your heart are set only on dishonest gain, on shedding innocent blood and on oppression and extortion…”(Jer.22:13-19).
Recently a furore has been raised as to the expensive casket that was made for Robert Mugabe. For all I know that casket is not going to bring him back to life; in the same way that those whose bodies have rotted away in our bushes are not going to come backvto life.
We are going to be remembered for what we have done as far as human relations are concerned. When we shall appear before the throne of grace our reward would depend on how we treated the Lazarus’ at our gates!
In life we attract what we radiate. When those under us grumble in silence because we exploit and oppress them to our advantage, God hears their cries. He does not only hear, he acts on their behalf!
The Lord says what it means for us to say we know him is when we defend the cause of the poor and needy. We know God when we see him in Others!
My friend, you may not be able to help all the poor and needy people around you, but the little you give out today to somebody in dire need is inestimable. Be humane in the way you deal with those you interact with. Before taking any decision that affects the lives of people, ask yourself this question: “If Jesus is here how would he address this issue?” Such a question would help you to take informed decisions that gives hope and confidence of wholesome living to the Other!
Prayer: Lord strengthen me in the inner man to maintain my resolve for justice and fairness towards all. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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