“Seek The Lord And Live!”
Today we are called to order by Amos a fiery preacher of justice. His message came at a time when the northern kingdom had “great prosperity, notable religious piety, and aparent security.” Just like in our time Amos noted that “prosperity was limited to the wealthy, and that it fed on injustice and on oppression of the poor. Religious observance was insincere, and security was more aparent than real.”
This fits the Cameroonian contexts so well. Imagine that the minimum wage package is less than thirty thousand francs! If those who earn a hundred thousand francs plus still fine it difficult to cope, how much more are those with minimum wages? And when there is need for redundancy, these are the ones to be first laid off!
The poor and marginalised are incacerated for no crime and since they don’t have rich family members to buy them out, they continue to languish in jail without trial! They remain “awaiting trial for years!” What an evil world!
Today Amos addresses us, “You who turn justice into bitterness, and cast righteousness to the ground…You hate the one who reproves in court and despise him who tells the truth; you trample the poor and force him to give you grain…’Seek the Lord and live…Seek good, not evil, that you may live…Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts.'”
Yes my friend, do not oppress and take bribes. Do not deprive the poor of justice in the courts.
“Seek the Lord and live, or he will sweep through your house like fire…let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never failing stream!”(Am.5:4-7&10-15&24).
Prayer: Holy Spirit encourage me to remain my brother’s keeper. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“Eschew The Boast Of Self-effort!”
“”Eschew The Boast Of Self-effort!”(Dt.8:11-18).“Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees