“Thank God That You Are Better Then Others; Always Think Of Them!”
At the end of creation, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”(Gen.1:31a).
Whatever has happened inbetween since then, a better world is still possible. We cannot agree with the philosophy of religion that the world as it is, is “the best possible world!”
Take away human greed and the spirit of covetousness and the world would have enough for everybody to end the day in thankfulness for daily sustenance.
In my village a father of many sons determined his successor through sharing of meat when the children were eating. The boys were always asked to take turns in sharing meat. While they were doing so the father was observing. Whoever shares and takes the first portion is a greedy person who if made a successor would want to grab everything for himself.
In the Akan culture it was an old woman who was asked to provide a new successor. The reason was that while going to the farm, they kept children under her care. She had time to study the characters and behaviours of the children to know who could lead others.
It was and is still about care and concern for other people and not only for self and family!
In order to ensure that even the poor and aliens had something for themselves, God commanded the Israelites, “when you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest…Leave them for the poor and alien. I am the Lord your God. Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another. Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the Lord “(Lev.19:9-12).
My friend, in all the above laws it is about care and concern for others! It is about love for God which can only be expressed through love for fellow humans! If you have ever felt hunger then you should do everything to ensure that you do not sleep with a full stomach when others around you had nothing to eat!
Be one another’s keeper and helper!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, through your Holy Spirit let me not eat alone. Let me always share with the poor and the strangers. Amen!
We wish you a blessed new day and week of work! Peace be with you!
“Satan’s Futile Strategy!”
“Satan’s Futile Strategy!”(Job 1:1-22).In this first Sunday in the season of Lent 2025, let us rehash this tragicomedy story of the biblical Job.Job as a