“The Awful Silence Of God!”(Am.8:11-12).
When an African family head is on his sickbed, those nursing him makes sure that he does not turn and face the wall. They also keep talking to him so that he should not be too silent. It is a bad omen for the family if he stays mute and dies facing the wall.
Nigerian movies portray Nigerian gods as being wise; even in their silence.
In the Old Testament we recount the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. From morning till noon the prophets of Baal called on him, “but there was no response; no one answered.”
When it was noon, Elijah began to taunt them, asking them to shout louder since their god may be “in deep thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”
Despite their shouting louder and even wounding themselves with spears, “by evening there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.”
On his part, Elijah prayed a brief prayer and “the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil…”(I Kgs.18:16ff).
We serve a God who answers the prayers of those who are in a right relationship with him. But he too is often silent when we violate his commandments, and then call on him to help us in our distress.
The silence of God can be as defeaning as our loudest noises! Yes; God’s silence can be heard from afar! God tolerates our tomfooleries; his pay back time is when we turn to him in our times of need. That is when he turns his back on us.
The awful silence of God is frightening. “How did we get here? God where are you? God do something, etc” are cries of anguish and desperation and a wonderment of the awful silence of God.
We should seek the LORD when he is to be found, without which at the time of his great judgment there will be “a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.” A time when we move from place to place, “searching for the word of the LORD, but…will not find it.”
Perhaps we may understand why things are topsy turvy with us today.
However, the good news is that God has given us a Messiah that those who believe in him will have everlasting life. Therefore, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…”
Prayer of the day and week: Heavenly Father, we are tired of your silence. Speak and give us direction. Amen!
Welcome to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Here Am I. Send me!”
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today