“The Baptism Of Jesus: What Lesson For Us?”


“The Baptism Of Jesus: What Lesson For Us?”(Mk.1:9-11).
Social ladder is defined as the hierarchical structure of a society. Synonyms of social ladder include “chain of command, class structure, corporate ladder dominance… position ranking scale, social hierarchy, social pyramid, social stratification,” etc.
What happens in this hierarchical structure is that the rung of the social ladder that is above is always given preferential treatment or special status. This is especially so for the top rung of the social ladder.
This top rung enjoys preferential treatment to the extent of being above the law.
First-class seats in airtransports and VIP lounges at airports are examples of special statuses.
Chiefdoms, especially those of the Grassfield regions of Cameroon, place high esteem on special status and preferential treatment. A lullaby includes,“If I am the child of a Fon, he will slaughter a goat. If I am the child of a slave he will kill a fowl.”
Imagine how strange it is for Africans to see a mayor or a professor or a governor or a prime minister riding a bicycle to work!
It appears that with social stratification, it is antisocial for a top brass to do certain things that are seen to be below their level.
The above is quite acceptable within the secular society. But we followers of Christ ought to be the difference if we follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ was simple in nature. Even when he mingled with the high and mighty in both religious and secular circles, his regular audiences and mentees were always the large crowd of the nobodies.
Topmost of his humility was his willingness, out of his own volition to go and be baptised in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.
John’s was a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. If so, why did Jesus go to be baptised by John? Is it possible he wanted to fulfil that part of his humanity in which all born of woman after Adam has original sin?
This may explain why, as he “was coming out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.'”
Jesus’ baptism was an act of humility in which he fulfilled all righteousness in obedience to his Father’s will. He did not think too highly of himself to ignore John’s baptism as being inferior to his status. Simplicity and being open to commoners is the lesson of great importance for followers of Christ who are of high social status.
Another lesson from Jesus’ baptism is God’s mark of approval and testimony that Jesus is the Son of God. Again, we see the Trinity at work in that act of baptism. The Son was baptised, the Spirit descended on him, and the Father spoke words of approval.
Dear friend, may the Holy Spirit help us to emulate the simplicity of the Lord Jesus Christ so that we can gain God’s approval.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, prompt us daily to be humble and simple like our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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