“The Grace Which Reconciles!”


“The Grace Which Reconciles!”(Col.1:21-23).
Have you ever accidentally collected a stain on the shirt you were putting on? If you are a meticulous person, in your mind you would have felt guilty that every person you met saw the stain. Truth is that, that thought was only in your mind, because very few people will notice the stain, and still, fewer of the few would even care about the stain.
The thought of the stain is in your mind. Evil deeds have such a grip of us in our minds. It was such guilt that induced Macbeth to speak one of the unforgettable Shakespearean lines, “Sleep no more! Macbeth hath murdered sleep!”
When we are alienated from God because of evil behavior we become enemies in our minds.
Through the death of Jesus, paradise, lost to us by expulsion has been regained through the risen Christ. All things being equal, we have been reconciled to God, presented holy in his sight without spot and free from accusation.
But this is conditional!
In as much as we are reconciled to God, permance in his presence is “If you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hopes held out in the gospel…” It is an old gospel which is unchanging and which is proclaimed to every creature under heaven. For that gospel some of us have become servants.
My friend, the drama around us, being acted by actors in both the secular and sacred realms can easily sweep us off our feet and settle us on sinking sand, unhinge our faith, move us away from the hopes that are contained in the gospels, and make us again enemies in our minds!
Our prayer is that now that we have prespented without blemish, the Holy Spirit should prompt us daily to an intentional strive for holiness as we keep the faith and do not like dogs go back to our vomits.
Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your blood that has reconciled us to the Father. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Give Thanks…!”

“Give Thanks…!”(Jn.6:1-15).The story of Jesus feeding five thousand people with “five small barley loaves and two small fish” is one of the very few stories

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“Put Off And Put On…!”

“Put Off And Put On…!”Col.3:5-11).“One of the principles of Christian growth is called the ‘put off and put on’ principle…” This principle is motivated by

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