“The Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal Source!”


“The Lord Jesus Christ, The Eternal Source!(Eph. 3:14-21).
I had just been through with the burial of late Dr. Nwana Njinjoh – whom the family termed, “legend.” It was at Ntaiton, my home congregation. The pastor had asked me to deputise for him while he went to bury another of his Christian. I myself had asked another colleague to sit in for me to bury one of my own Christian while my congregational chairman was also conducting the burial of a lapsed Christian. In all there were not less than ten funerals and burials in our small Bali Presbytery.
Truth be told, the rate at which people are exiting this world; – as if everybody has come to the realisation that, “this world is not my home…!” And in this realisation they want to quit as soon as they have the opportunity.
All said and done, I was relaxing in the manse of Ntaiton with a cousin of mine. Our conversation that was general drifted to where I made her understand that we pastors have our own challenges too at home which need the prayers of the Christians.
It is saddening to know that the majority of Christians consider that their pastor is a reservoir of prayer. They can come there anytime and collect any amount of prayer they want.
My friend, if you are not one such kind of Christian, when was the last time you prayed for your pastor?
That notwithstanding, as a spiritual leader or a Christian, how often do you pray for the spiritual strengthening of other brethren?
We belong to each other. We can only grow together when we come to that moment of realisation that we are one another’s keeper. Being one another’s keeper is to pray for the spiritual strengthening and uplifting of each other.
Some times by mischance I listen and watch TV adverts of esoteric fraternities that are luring our younger generations into their destructive nets. I see African “marabouts” promising a brighter future for our gullible youths. Most of them fall into the trap – especially upcoming promising talents who could have made it without joining those fraternities.
The worst of it is when some of the victims naively believe the lie that their Christian faith is strengthened when they belong to those fraternities! Lies! The devil and Jesus may attend the heavenly meeting as in Job, but they cannot sit at the same table during refreshment!
My friend, when other people pray for you, you will be strengthened in power and love and Christ will dwell in your hearts through faith. You will be established in love, having power like all the saints. You will be able to understand the ununderstandable dimensions of the love of Christ and to know that such love is too deep for human comprehension.
At the end of the day the church of God will be glorified when each one of us believers have that certain power of Christ working within us!
Yes; in Christ there is a free offer of a living water for all who are thirsty to come and buy without money and when they drink they’ll never be thirsty again. When we intercede for one another, God’s Spirit will strengthen us and reveal all the unrevealable and unknowable to us.
Sunday prayer: Lord Jesus Christ lead me to that pool of soul refreshing waters that I can drink and thirst no more. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang!



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