“Think Of The Poor…!”(Mk.10:17-27).
A man comes to Jesus wanting to know what he has to do to inherit eternal life.
He was humble as he knelt down before Jesus and addressed him, “Good teacher.”
He had observed all the “six commandments that prohibits wrong actions and attitudes against others.”
The one thing he lacked was the difficulty of shedding his wealth and giving it to the poor. (This reminds me; about a year ago when we preached on this text a Christian asked: “Why did Jesus not just ask the man to give all his wealth to the poor? Why sell them first?”
We can add further questions like, “Who were to buy, since only wealthy people could buy such?”
Even today it is difficult for any person with great wealth to follow Jesus on the condition of giving up on his wealth.
The wealth of the rich are usually composed of works of art, jewelry and Gemstones, pearl, silver, gold diamonds etc. Their houses are plush mansions inlaid with exquisite decorations. Giving these things directly to the poor would be like wearing white cloth on a pig in a muddy pigsty.
Besides, all the luxury would be useless to the poor who all they want is the convenience of having the basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter. Ostentation is not on the agenda of the poor.
Only the rich can buy rich property. If then the condition for following Jesus is to be without wealth, then those who buy the rich man’s property cannot follow Jesus.
That notwithstanding, if the man had not come to Jesus that conversation would not have ensued.
Jesus is saying that hoarding does not bring us any gain.
In as much as the man had kept all the commandments, he lacked one thing. Jesus told him, “One thing you lack. Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven…”
The man went away with a fallen face, “because he had great wealth.” It is unfortunate that we do not have the end of the story to know whether the man eventually did as Jesus wanted. But the manner in which he left indicates that he preferred his wealth to the salvation that he was looking for.
Jesus is not against the wealthy or wealth. His ministry was supported by wealthy people. Nothing on earth should hinder us when we are on the route of salvation.
Jesus’ conclusion to the story emphasizes God’s grace as the only means of salvation. With man salvation is impossible, “but not with God; all things are possible with God.”
Dear friend, as you hoard until you can no longer know your net worth, think about those people you deprive of their own little which they deserve. When they cry God hears. And when God hears their cry, then wait for nemesis to visit you!
Observing the commandments is inconclusive without fairness, justice and equity – which in themselves are not guarantors for salvation, but gives opportunity for affordable shelter, presentable clothing and daily food for everybody.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see and attend to the needs of the needy around me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Here Am I. Send me!”
“Here Am I. Send Me!”(Is.6:1-9a).This week’s reflections is on God’s call and man’s response. We have moved from Moses to Abram, to David and today