“Trust In God And Do The Right!”
Remember the joke? The song of the person under comfortable conditions, “It must be permanent, what the Lord has done for me it must be permanent…” Then the song of the person whose life is one of misery, “Change my story, Jehovah, change my story…”
The word of God is a collection of stories emphasising that, “no condition is permanent!” That is why the Christian life is anchored on faith, hope, certainty and patience. The intertwining of these foursome is expressed in the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
The song writer captures the hurdles of life so well, “Let the road be rough and dreary, And its end far out of sight, Foot it bravely; strong or weary, Trust in God and do the right.”
Yes, my friend, you have to trust God and keep doing the right because God has assured: “At that time I will deal with all who oppress you; I will rescue the lame and gather those who have been scattered…I will bring you home. I will give you honour and praise among all peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before their very eyes…”(Zeph. 3:18b-20).
One time when the PCC was in deep financial crisis, a foreign journalist asked The Very Rev. J.C. Kangsen of blessed memory, “What is the future of the Church?” Offhand the servant of God replied, “The future of the Church is bright because it is in the hands of Jesus Christ!”
Yes, the future is bright for you too, and for all of us who know that the future is in God’s hands and who confidently wait on him!
And if that is so, you and I must be ready at all times since God’s time may be now!
While it is now, “Trust in God and do the right!”
Prayer: Holy Spirit of God give me a heart and life that waits upon the Lord. Give me a discerning spirit to know that time. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
“The Lord Will Protect You!”
“The Lord Will Protect You!”(Acts 22:30-23:11).Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin – the highest tribunal of the Jews. His detractors had stirred other Jews against