“Trust In God’s Word, He Will Ensure Your Daily Bread!”
Some people put “juju” by their fruit trees to inflict sickness on whoever steals a fruit. And while people are scared to pass by such trees, birds and animals enjoy the fruits freely. We are sometimes just too foolish in our so-called human wisdom.
Besides, we shouldn’t be too quick to blame the animals that take our stuffs away. Sometimes they are just messengers of God!
God told Elijah to hide in a ravine where ravens brought him bread and meat morning and evening. He ate and drank from the brook. This was in fulfilment of the words of the Lord to him, “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerithe Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there”(I Kgs 17:1-6).
When you trust on the word of the Lord he will surely provide.
Man does not live by bread alone but by God’s words. When you obey his words, he will surely always provide in your times of greatest needs!
Dear friend, welcome to a new week. Stay positive and hopeful and depend on the word of the Lord! If you are a delegate to the National Dialogue, may the Lord through the Holy Spirit fill you with words that when spoken would achieve positive reaction. May the Holy Spirit inspire the deliberations so that the outcome of the meeting should bring justice, thus ensuring the restoration of security, peace and stability to the NoSo regions!
Prayer: Lord I trust in your word that you will protect me and provide for me in times of need in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord. Amen!
Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
“Eschew The Boast Of Self-effort!”
“”Eschew The Boast Of Self-effort!”(Dt.8:11-18).“Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees