“Trust In The Promises Of God!”
When God called Abram, God assured him that his descendants will be as countless as the stars. “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. “
When God also told Abram that he was to gain possession of all the land, Abram wanted a sign to be convinced.
God told him what to do. By doing it, there was a little negligence on Abram’s part which caused God to change his mind.
Now, instead of Abram directly inheriting the land, he was punished by a “bypass!” Instead of him being a direct beneficiary, it was to be given only to his descendants. Worst of it is that his descendants were to be “in a country not their own” where they were to “be enslaved and ill-treated four hundred years.”
The paradox of it is that the nations who enslaved them will be punished. Meanwhile Abram’s descendants would come into their inheritance in the fourth generation. That was to be when the sin of the Amorites had reached its full measure!
The consolation to Abram, “To your descendants I will give this land…”(Gen.16:7-18).
My friend, God is unchanging and faithful. Take him at his word and do not seek for signs because they may in turn delay your blessings.
Besides, God is not slow to act. When evil triumphs, it is not that God is complaisant; rather he is waiting until sin has reached its full measure.
When the full measure of the sin of all humanity came, God sent his Son Jesus Christ as a ransom for sin and for his blood to redeem us. Jesus has left us with the Holy Spirit who should guide us to the things of God and guard us against the things of the devil!
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for cleansing me through the redeeming blood of your Son. Let your Spirit teach me to stand on your promises and wait for it with patience. Amen!
Welcome to the week in which we celebrate the Holy Trinity. Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
“Repent Or Perish!”
“Repent Or Perish!”(Jer.26:1-15).Prophet Jeremiah deserves to receive a posthumous accolade for resilience; for standing by the truth of God’s word, and being ready to die