“With God There Is No Hiding Place!”


“With God There Is No Hiding Place!”
At an inter-religious gathering the other day I recalled that Archbishop Desmond Tutu said “God is not a Christian.” God cannot be the exclusive preserve of any religion.
However, like one of my teachers once explained to us, a chosen religion in which God seeks to reconcile the world to himself is like the handle of a basket. You carry the whole basket through its handle.
The Jews claimed the exclusive right that God was for them alone. The author of the book of Jonah set out to challenge such exclusivism. That is why the story is about God sending Jonah to Nineveh, a non-Jewish people. Jonah like a devout Hebrew did not see why he should go to “infidels” and preach repentance to them. God should just as well destroy them. Jonah decided to take an opposite route and he almost caused the death of everybody in the ship.
God however does not compel us to go do his biding but he has a way of taking us to where he wants us to go work for him(Jon. 1:1-10).
It is all about the salvation of perishing souls! It doesn’t matter whether we want it done or not!
My friend, at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. For that to happen each believer must be ready to make an evangelistic journey to his/her Nineveh! Today be a messenger of the goodnews to one lost soul! Niniveh may just be by your side; in your neighbourhood, on your way to work or at your work place! Therefore, be the Bible that others read!
Prayer: Lord thank you for a new day and week. Make me submissive to go where you send me to preach repentance through my words and deeds. Amen!
Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!



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