“Your Life Is In God’s Hands!”


“Your Life Is In God’s Hands!”
When in 1996 the typist finally finished typing the booklet that I published as, “The Revolution That Never Was,” she saved it in my memory stick as “Coup plot.” I was amused.
That secretary is Rev. Tantoh Christie who at the time was my Christian in Nsimeyong and was the Secretary to the Director of Campus Crusade for Christ. It is such a small world and one’s tentacles spread far and wide!
Never plot evil against another person and boast about it in public; you never know those who are dining with you but are also connected to the person you seek to destroy!
We are still with the arrest of Paul. “More than forty men” “formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.” They went and made their intentions known to the chief priests and elders. They told them to petition the commander that the Sanhedrin wanted to get “more accurate information about his case.” They intended to ambush and kill Paul.
But as we know, “Cow wey e noh get tail, na God di drivam fly.” Paul’s sister’s son overheard the conspiracy and went and told Paul. Paul sent him to the commander who listened to Paul’s nephew and swore him to keep it secret(Acts 23:12-22).
These revelations about godly people wanting to take another man’s life in God’s name could not have been well timed! They are coming in the season of Lent and in the year of reorganization in our church. These lessons of betrayal are confronting us even as we have vowed that by hook or by crook we must eliminate some people! It may work, but it is not yet the time! When the story ends, Paul died but not until he had fulfilled his mission!
Remember the Lord stood by him and told him he must testify in Rome just as he had done in Jerusalem! If the mission is not yet accomplished God will always thwart the plans of the enemies.
My friend, may we be genuinely touched by these Lenten messages and may we make a genuine “about turn” to the cross that bore all our sins away, so that we can stand to defend the truth that seeks the general good!
Whatever is of God cannot be stopped by human will! The best way for Paul to arrive Rome was as a prisoner, otherwise his enemies would have killed him! Don’t see the present predicaments as a sign of God’s neglect and abandonment! Rather see it as protective custody!
Prayer: Lord I know the odds are against me, but let me see your protective arm in all my predicaments. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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